
Responsive Mobile Conversion is HORRIBLE still!

So my sales through weebly suspicously plummeted and I just assumed it was because of people getting distracted through the holidays, burnt out on buying etc. I didn't think to check that weebly wasn't jacked up again because I was too busy making sales everywhere else online except for via my standalone. Well for some reason, and I don't even know when this started, most of my subcategories on the "responsive" mobile view do not show at all. WTF!


Under "CATEGORY" I have listed "





PINS" on my website and on the mobile view

{as you can see above} it shows only "RINGS" in the drop down under category

Thanks Weebly. Nothing but the best for your customers. 

In addition to that discovery being a huge let down yet again with weebly. I would just like to point out that virtually every other ecommerce platform out there has the ability to show two columns of products at a time on the mobile view and the single column of products mobile view for all of the themes is the lamest mobile conversion I have ever seen. I wish weebly would let customers turn of the "responsive" BS {half ass} script for our websites if this is all that will be offered, because it has been nothing but a headache on every level and looks absolutely horrible. Show me a weebly site that doesn't have an elementary freebie looking mobile view if one exists. I am not aware of any. 

Message 1 of 7

Sorry to hear that, @Creature. How long ago did you customize your theme? If it was a simple change, I'd recommend switching to the standard version and re-making your edit. 

Message 8 of 7

The "custom" changes I made, which allowed for my image of my logo to fill the real header of the code {because believe it or not you guys fail to offer something so basic as bleeding images of logos to your customers}, I made probably a year ago. I checked the mobile version afterwords and everything was fine. Since then, I have only changed images, so I fail to see how that would effect the mobile conversion you guys have in place. 


customizability rating: F

responsive rating: F 

Message 8 of 7

and now this is what the site editor looks like


Message 8 of 7

Right - some parts of a site are not contained within a theme though, so if we change those it can sometimes cause an issue with a custom theme. If for example we push a change to the parts of the theme you can access, that change won't get pushed to your custom theme. Given it's been a year since you made it, it sounds like that might be what happened.

Regarding your screenshot, try logging out, clearing your cache, then logging back in.

Message 8 of 7

There's a little option some people use that say "request desktop view" when using a website.
I want to have that as the automatic choice for my websites.
I hate, hate, hate the mobile "responsive" themes; yet, do we have a choice to choose adaptive initially?!
Even when I changed my website from responsive to adaptive, I wasn't given the option to turn off mobile view! I am furious! I had to restart everything just for the hopes of turning off mobile view!
Do people not understand that desktop view on a mobile device is fine since most phones have a zoom option! It just looks, so, so much better!

Message 8 of 7




So you guys pushed a change that f'ed up my mobile view because I chose to customize it? Without any warning or heads up from Weebly. That really isn't how a hosting service relationship should work. You guys shouldn't be pushing things that are potentially not compatible with customization your customers have made after the fact. You guys have the most boring templates out there, of course your customers customize their own themes. We shouldn't be getting basically punished for it by you guys releasing non compatible updates that render our work and our sites useless, simply because we chose to step outside your stationary. Please contact a specialist at Weebly to straighten this out for me and msg me privately. I do intend to have a functioning website accessible by smart phones. I did nothing on my part to make it jacked up as it is now. 

Message 8 of 7