
Sales tax settings reset? WTF?

Hi I just noticed that my sales tax settings were reset (or upgraded?) to a defualt of no tax applied.  I noticed this on a big purchase that should have had $226 tax applied to it!  Weebly just cost me this amount because I cannot get it back from the customer, but my business still owes this tax NOT FAIR!

I noticed you did the same thing with shipping settings....all of a sudden an upgrade replaced defaults and I lost out on sales until I noticed it by accidently poking around the settings looking for something else.

I commend weebly on updating and upgrading, especially the back end, but you are making changes to settings that are affecting your customer's in a negative way NOT COOL.

This can be avoided by updating paying customers on the changes you are making, so we can proactivly make sure those changes are integrated into our working shopping carts.

Please pay attention to this issue thank you.

Message 1 of 5

Wow, so I am realzing now this setting has been "updated" for a long time and I now need to go back order by order and make sure my sales tax submissions have been accurate. 

Serioulsy feeling let down at the moment....thanks weebly.  

Message 5 of 5

Cool. Looks like my sales taxes were removed from my shop as well, for who knows how long. 

Always a pleasure to find out Weebly is helping me lose money. 

Message 5 of 5

Experiencing the same issue. Did they resolve it for you? 

@Creature wrote:

Cool. Looks like my sales taxes were removed from my shop as well, for who knows how long. 

Always a pleasure to find out Weebly is helping me lose money. 

Message 5 of 5

I absolutley feel your stress and pain with this one. The same thing happened to me and the representative made it seem like I was the only one to run into this issue. So frustrated right now. They need to do better. The problem with big businesses is that they seem to not care about losing customers once they have enouch but we as small businesses can't afford to lose money from their mistake. 

Message 6 of 5