
Sick of my website being DOWN

This is the third time in the last few months that my website has randomly been down. As of *at least* 8pm my website has been down. I have multiple websites hosted with Weebly and all of them are working except for my main one which is down. My account is up to date and paid through 2019. I have checked via multiple devices and browsers, friends have checked and I have used a service "isitdownrightnow.com" and it has been reported as down. It is giving a time out error because the website is not responding when the URL is entered. WTF weebly! Why do I pay you guys if I can not have confidence that my site will even be up? This is absolute unacceptable!

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I recommend that anyone that relies on their website being up and running for their income/career to sign up for a free website down notifier that will alert them when their website is unreachable and down. You never know when weebly will randomly drop the ball, and no one is going to tell you that your site was offline.

I am sick of having to deal with this random issue and unfortunately it seems to happen everytime weebly support is not available (after business hours). I am sick of being embarassed that my potential investors and clientelle visiting my site after I share my link with them will arrive at a "not responding" time out error. For my website to be down when someone attempts to review my work to be included in a show is detrimental. I will be completely passed over for Weebly's service shortcoming. How are potential buyers, curators, investors to know it is the fault of my unreliable hosting service (weebly) and not just my inability to keep my website up. Most people don't have time to keep checking back on a site to see when it is up again. Thanks for another embarrasing day as a weebly customer.

This is incredibly unprofessional and I am really pissed that this keeps happening without any explanation from weebly. Weebly, your customers know when their websites are down, why don't you? What is the excuse for our websites being down hours at a time? Do you guys not have something in place that will alert you to when you have an outage? Please someone that works at weebly, respond to this message with information about what you guys have in place to prevent outages, what alerts you have to notify you so you can take care of the issue, and why sites are randomly going down and why it takes so long to get websites back online.

My website is up again now, after who knows how long it has been down. 

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Website url?

Message 9 of 8

As of 9pm it is back up.


Awaiting a response from a Weebly representative about this.

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Hi i need help please, my account was taken offline. Verified by Icaan and everything. i have been emailing the weebly team for days now with no response. my customers are getting worried PLEASE HELP ME RECTIFY THIS ISSUE, I WANT MY WEBSITE BACK ONLINE. HELP ANYBODY WWW.mbekiherbalclinic.com HELP!!

Message 9 of 8

Unfortunately, your account was banned for violating our TOS, @Robertmbeki. It looks like you have some tickets open with our support team, so they can escalate that to our Policy team for you for review.

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Hello Thank you for responding, When will this issue be resolved? my customers are really worried my site is offline, i need help with getting this issue resolved ASAP. No response from the support team with the Tickets i opened with them.
Message 9 of 8

Sites like isitdownrightnow.com are handy for what they do, but there are caveats when using them. If an established site won't load for you it's one of two things, usually. Either the server that hosts the site itself has stopped responding for some technical reason, or there's a network issue at some point in between the physical location of the server and you. This is also true with isitdownrightnow.com, so if there's a common network hop that both you and that site share it might show your site is down (and you see that as well), but it works fine for other people who don't have that same hop.

During the time frame in which you had trouble we didn't have any server issues or downtime, so I'm guessing it's the latter. It's not much consolation, but I have seen the same thing happen with personal sites of my own at other hosts in the past.

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