
Why is my transaction being held

Why is square questioning my sales or requiring any form of validation from me regarding these sells and where is my money ? 

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Hello AaronW123,


Wondering where your funds are or why there is a delay is a common question - there can be multiple reasons.  Understand that the volunteer Community Members are not the same as Customer or Tech Support.  Many here are small business owners who do have quite a bit of hands on experience using Square's Apps and Hardware.  Having said that, we can only provide a few reasons as to why you may be experiencing a delay.  Normal transfer times takes 1 to 2 business days (Monday thru Friday).  You can expect a delay if the transaction occurred during a Holiday or over the weekend.  If you need your funds quicker, there are options however, there can be an additional fee for some of these options - see this info.  Additionally, other factors to consider - there may be missing info from your Account setup or there may be a questionable transaction or there's a question about your products or services.  Bottom line, we don't know.  What you can do if you're still concerned is to contact Customer Support - they can look at your Square Account setup and details - that's something that cannot be done here.

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @AaronW123,

Due to the nature of your post being account specific, I've moved it to a private board per our Community guidelines. The Seller Community is intended for seller to seller conversations and we do not have access to account specifics here. I escalated your account to an Account Services team member who can take a closer look since other sellers won't be able to assist with this here from the Community.

Community Moderator, Square
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