
Hardware pickup

I just signed up for square and wanted to know if I can pick up my contactless reader hardware from a retail store tomorrow. (And not wait the 5 days for delivery) I have an event tomorrow and just learned of square now, and put my order in ASAP. Also, is there a payment limit of $100 per transaction, regardless of payment method? There was no clear information regarding such restrictions but I read it in a review and wanted to make sure I was clear on it. 

Thank you!

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Yes, you can buy the reader from a store, or borrow a friend's if you want it immediately.  Once your account is set up, its good to go.


As far as the limits ... up here in the Great White North I can advise that there is no limit to credit card purchases that we've encountered, unless the limit is imposed by the buyer's credit card company.  Debit cards have *tap* limit of $100 per transaction - same as in a store.  No limit if using the chip reader and PIN. You can't use debit with the swipe reader. 


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