Beta Member

Artists / Photographers selling edition work at festivals

anyone here an artist that sells at festivals and sells editions of your work?


Trying to figure out how you setup your system and if my ideas are logical 🙂


Message 1 of 6

While I'm not an artist myself, I know we have a few member's of the community who are either artists themselves or help artists utilize Square for their sales.


@Owl @Rohnsman @noellejean327 Any tips you can share? 

Message 2 of 6

Hi @RCT,

In our festival booth, we use Square Register differently for two broad groups of products.
#1. Books and recordings we sell all year (including online): we set up each unique SKU as an "Item" in Square Register. This is a small number of products.
#2. Art banners that vary year by year and come in many styles and sizes (and are not sold online): we set up a single Item (one SKU) without a price. Then when we ring up a banner sale, Register prompts us to enter the price.
At the end of the festival, sales reports show us how much of each Item (SKU) we sold. For the banners, this is a single quantity: because we set up a single item, there is no breakdown at the size/style product level. We're okay with that, because we only need to know the overall quantity and total sales proceeds (from banners).

You could go with either approach. If I were selling many different photographs (and had a limited quantity of each image), I would be inclined to set up Register initially with an item called "Photo" or "Limited Edition Photo" and omit the price. As with #2 above, when I sold a photo, I would then select the Photo Item and enter the price for the specific photo selected by the customer.
This is a simpler approach, and you could always switch to #1 (individual SKUs for every unique Item) later if you find that #2 doesn't give you what you need in terms of reporting or inventory management.

Note: if you plan to sell your photos using Square's Online Store, and you want customers to be able to select a specific image and have the Square online store charge them the appropriate amount, you will definitely need to create an Item (SKU) in Register for each photo that will be sold online. (Just mentioning this in case it helps you decide between #1 and #2).

Message 3 of 6
Beta Member

Thanks @Owl and @Kelly


The SKU# I use is the same one as the file name, i.e  YYYYMMDD__###   20160523_023  that means it was taken on May 23rd 2016 and the 23rd photo I shot that day.

For the purpose of Square, Each matted size gets it own SKU#



20160523_023-16x20  etc on up in size

and those I put on canvas would be




As far as inventory, and to try to figure out edition # tracking, here is what I did:

Since I started using Square July 2015, but have been selling since 2007 at shows, If I had an edition # of 250 for the 16x20's, but know I already sold 50, I entered as inventory 200.  Then the number of prints I already have printed, matted and with me at shows, say 5, I enter that number minus 1 in the alert, so it would be 4 giving me 1 left and enough time to print more for the next show.


I just have to remember each time I reprint, I have to go back and adjust the alert number.  So far I have not changed the in stock amount because I want to  be able to look at it say its 195, then that tells me 250 minus 195 is 55 and my next print edition will be 55/250


I might be over thinking this lol, but being a data analyst for more than 20 years will do that to you

Message 4 of 6
Beta Member

Here is a screen shot of one of my Winter scenes as I set it up in my dashboard.

All the same prices I show online with my own personal website, so nothing secret

I also put the state abreviation in front of it so I can keep track better which trips I was on sold more scenes


Message 5 of 6

@RCT, your inventory approach does seem extremely logical and organized!  Seems like it enables you to track and report your sales with a high degree of detail.

Message 6 of 6