Beta Member

Which "Preferred Name (DoorDash)" do we use?

When you enable the DoorDash integration, each item in Square Dashboard (squareup.com) gains four new fields:


[found directly underneath stock management]

- Hide on DoorDash (DoorDash)

- Preferred Name (DoorDash)

[found near the bottom of the page under 'custom attributes']

- Hide on DoorDash

- Preferred Name


If I fill out the first Preferred Name field (underneath stock management) and save my settings, it doesn't show that same entry value in the one further down the page under custom attributes. It also doesn't sync that name to DoorDash.


Only when I fill out the field under "Custom Attributes" does it sync the data to DoorDash.


Why are there two if only one works? Shouldn't it be the first one that works and the second one be hidden?

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Square Community Moderator

Hey there @lemondogs


As you may or may not know, while Square integrates with DoorDash this integration is maintained by them. I would recommend reaching out to them with this question and opening a ticket. That way they will be able to identify what is failing in the process (why one field is being imported but the other isn't) If they mention this is on Square's end then I recommend asking them to share their findings, and your ticket number with you. We will gladly escalate this to the proper team if that is the case.

Community Moderator, Square
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