
extra quotation error

Hey there,


I'm trying to import my customers via the square dashboard. After I've choosen a file and group it comes up "We're sorry, something went wrong" and undneath in red it says "extra quotation". Any idea how to fix this/what's wrong? I've tried ising my own excel template and the suggested one too

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Hey @MattAbbott,


Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear you're having trouble importing your customers.


The customer directory upload tool can be a bit finicky! You'll definitely have to use the Square template rather than one of your own. When you're uploading a spreadsheet, the error you see should give you an indication of what you need to edit in the spreadsheet so it meets Square's upload criteria - though the messaging is sometimes a little unclear.


The easiest way to see what's required is to manually add a single customer to your directory on Square, then export this as a spreadsheet - that way you can see how each field is formatted by our system and how you should be entering info into those fields to upload successfully.


Without being able to take a deeper dive into your account and directory spreadsheet, it's not really possible for me to pinpoint what the issue is - I'd recommend you get in touch with our support team on 1800 760 137 or send us an email so we can take a better look into this one!

Square, Australia
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