
Please can someone look at my page?

Hi there

I'd like some advice on how to improve my front page please? I'm trying to find ways to build trust so hopefully one day will make sales....


The free monthly SEO reoprt is fantastic by Marketgoo as I use it and work through to make changes as i'm going along. But my Google bounce rate so high Man Sad Should I worry or will it take time for this to improve as my experience gets better? 


Message 1 of 7
4 Best Answers

Best Answer
Hi there,
Firstly, thank you for the Marketgoo link, I just downloaded a report for our website www.selfhypnosisuk.com and I can see that there is stuff we need to work on. I did have to laugh at the comment, "You should work on getting more visitors to your site." easier said than done. I think your site looks crisp and clean. One thing I would suggest is that you put a small video on your homepage introducing yourself and telling people briefly what you do. It is easier to do than it sounds and apparently it increases conversions dramatically as visitors are more inclined to watch a video than read text. my OH is doing one for us and we just needed a few finishing touches and then she got struck down with flu. So maybe it will be completed soon. I am wondering if you have tried selling on Amazon, we do really well on there as like you, we have no competition as we manufacture our own products. The whole Amazon system takes some understanding but it keeps us going while we are building the website traffic.
Good Luck

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Message 2 of 7

Best Answer


Well Krissie let me take a shot.

First and foremost your landing page has less than 12 seconds for a new visitor. 

1. You have clean landing page with good images.  The page is static though.  They say bit of motion increases user attention.  You may want to use some on-scroll animation APP to display your images.

2. You have uneven padding in your sections.  The bottom padding is too big in certain sections.

3. Be consistent with the font.  The font under the video looks different.  Also make it bit larger.

4. Your phone number is out of place.  Trust me if people want to get in touch with you they will find your number.

5. Your social media icons are distracting due to mutlicolor things that clashes with the color scheme you are using.  Why have something that takes away visitor attention away from your message.  Just take a look at this forum and weebly home page site or any other high end sites - the social media icons are always at the bottom in uniform color.  Again, if people want to connect with you they will find ways how to connect.

6. The customer reviews, the video and sign up are all in one place.  You may want to get some testimonial slider APP, and I have no clue why should I watch that video?

Hope this helps and these are just my personal opinions.

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Message 2 of 7

Best Answer

Oh this is excitingWoman Very Happy

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such detailed analysis thats very generous of you and i do appreciate it. Oh i thought the video was cuteWoman LOL

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Message 2 of 7

Best Answer

@meclothing1:  I forgot to write before, but you may want to consider moving those three babies after your text.  Imagine I landed on your page, the first thing I will see is those images.  I have no clue what this site is about unless I scroll.

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Message 2 of 7

Best Answer
Hi there,
Firstly, thank you for the Marketgoo link, I just downloaded a report for our website www.selfhypnosisuk.com and I can see that there is stuff we need to work on. I did have to laugh at the comment, "You should work on getting more visitors to your site." easier said than done. I think your site looks crisp and clean. One thing I would suggest is that you put a small video on your homepage introducing yourself and telling people briefly what you do. It is easier to do than it sounds and apparently it increases conversions dramatically as visitors are more inclined to watch a video than read text. my OH is doing one for us and we just needed a few finishing touches and then she got struck down with flu. So maybe it will be completed soon. I am wondering if you have tried selling on Amazon, we do really well on there as like you, we have no competition as we manufacture our own products. The whole Amazon system takes some understanding but it keeps us going while we are building the website traffic.
Good Luck
Message 2 of 7

Best Answer


Well Krissie let me take a shot.

First and foremost your landing page has less than 12 seconds for a new visitor. 

1. You have clean landing page with good images.  The page is static though.  They say bit of motion increases user attention.  You may want to use some on-scroll animation APP to display your images.

2. You have uneven padding in your sections.  The bottom padding is too big in certain sections.

3. Be consistent with the font.  The font under the video looks different.  Also make it bit larger.

4. Your phone number is out of place.  Trust me if people want to get in touch with you they will find your number.

5. Your social media icons are distracting due to mutlicolor things that clashes with the color scheme you are using.  Why have something that takes away visitor attention away from your message.  Just take a look at this forum and weebly home page site or any other high end sites - the social media icons are always at the bottom in uniform color.  Again, if people want to connect with you they will find ways how to connect.

6. The customer reviews, the video and sign up are all in one place.  You may want to get some testimonial slider APP, and I have no clue why should I watch that video?

Hope this helps and these are just my personal opinions.

Message 2 of 7

Best Answer

Oh this is excitingWoman Very Happy

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such detailed analysis thats very generous of you and i do appreciate it. Oh i thought the video was cuteWoman LOL

Message 2 of 7

Best Answer

@meclothing1:  I forgot to write before, but you may want to consider moving those three babies after your text.  Imagine I landed on your page, the first thing I will see is those images.  I have no clue what this site is about unless I scroll.

Message 2 of 7

Hi yes you were right, thanks for all the advice i've got some changes to work through and much appreciated.

Message 2 of 7

A good looking vibrant site. Pleased to see so many useful suggestions by others. In my opinion the links under helpful information gets harder to read because of the background image. I think they should be more visible for everyone to read easily. Maybe you could change the font size or color or the background image. Or maybe its just me and my poor eyesight Smiley LOL
Other than that I really like your page. Good luck with your website and business.

Best Wishes,

Message 2 of 7