
payment canceled point of sale experienced a problem and could not process your last payment

I have a Square account at a small business. The credit card used by the customer went through fine (sliding on strip; no chip). The customer signed and left. 10 minutes later, I get a message saying "PAYMENT CANCELED" Point of sale experienced a problem and could not process your last payment for $xx.xx.  And then it says OK at the bottom. I checked the latest transactions and sure enough, the transaction is not there.


What happened and how do we get the money???

Message 1 of 4

Hello @normafries, I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. 


It sounds like this payment might have timed out on the signature screen. I don't have access to your account here, but a payment is automatically voided if it isn't completed within 5 minutes.  


You can probably find this payment under the Transaction Status Report on the Dashboard. If the payment was voided you'll have to re-process the transaction. 

Message 2 of 4

This happened to us today, 


customer purchased 2 items, came to just under 8 dollar, tapped his card, said approved on both ends (his screen and mine side), and then the screen went black with the square logo on both sides. 


Internet was fine, and hard-wired. POS is only 7 weeks and brought from square 


We even have the over the register camera footage will show this. And no record of the transaction too in the system 


And now Square telling me its been "voided" 


In a retail business you don't have time to argue and ask the customer to pay again as it clearly showed approved, plus he got a SMS from his banks saying it was approved at our store, he showed us! 


soo angry 

Message 3 of 4

We have had the same problem 3 times within about 38 days on the same Square machine.

We have preformed the factory reset twice as Square have asked us but still not helping solve the problem.


This machine was brought 28th Dec 2022 and the first time it happened was 23rd Feb, then 26th March and then 30th March.


I have even sent them the camera footage above the register and they still have not fixed or even offered to replace the machine which is under warranty: 


We are a liquor store where customers go and come quickly, so not everyone wants to wait until we call Square for confirmation. Plus it is very annoying as it shows on the customer's phone that the payment is pending so we need to explain to them that it will get voided eventually....but how many times do Square expect users to do with customers.... 


I have uploaded the footage to Youtube to see is the general public / other Square users can help me out: 


Search on youtube "Square POS - Glitch after card payment" we have uploaded the 3 incidences. 








I am still awaiting a more serious offer of help and advice from Square and a callback from someone senior to discuss the resolution to this. 


One of this support team guys (Kevin), said this is a know problem to Square but no fix has been sent out. 


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