
Unusual Processing activity impact on capital?

Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone has any input or experience with this. A few times since last December and, most recently, in late August, I have received a capital offer only to be declined due to unusual payment processing activity. My business will have a few credit card transactions each week throughout the month and then during our big monthly event, a flurry of activity over that weekend. That is and has been our norm as the "main event" of our business is the monthly event. The Capital tab now has a handy little look at volume, frequency, and active days which is nice and everything looks great there but, at the top, it says "Heads up: We see that your latest loan application was declined. This is currently affecting your offer status"   Is there any input on how long a denial for that reason will continue to have an impact?   The help articles on this topic states "depending on your decline reason, we may be able to provide an estimated timeline for when your account may be eligible for reevaluation" with instructions to contact by email.  I did this and that does not seem to be the case.  Thanks in advance for any insight! 

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