
Features I'd like to see or see improved

Please correct and show me if I've missed these anywhere.


1) When entering purchase orders, Let me enter the item quantity and the total cost, let square calculate the cost per item. By forcing me to use a calculator each time to find per item cost, then not allowing me to use a enough decimal places, my invoices never match exactly. 


2) Items break or outdate and vendors will take them back and give credit. I need a way to factor this in and offset the number I already entered into a purchase order. Perhaps a vendor credit to the cost of the item so the fancy math crunching square does will account for the returned goods.


3) More of a general question: When I finally catch up on entering PO from weeks ago, does square or can square back date and retroactively update all numbers relating to the PO such as stock quantities that may already sold, FIFO costs, and all the other magic that happens behind the curtains?


(clarification to this relating to my business, I'm a liquor store. vendors come in and do orders for me, I don't actually request which items or how many items I want as a general rule of thumb. I have my say, but they do their job good enough that I don't need a purchase order. The concept of purchase orders really never made sense to me since I've spent most my life in this industry and they don't really apply directly with my business style. That said, I get to enter line for line each product they send me on the invoice I receive upon delivery. Yes, time consuming. This leads me into number 4, Inventory.)


4) Square is probably not the best POS software for my business, but I took a leap of faith that they'd keep adding features. My previous POS was EPOS NOW, very similar to square, a few more features I liked and a few that square does better. Same style of community idea sharing. I switch mainly because I already processed cards through square and wanted to run my cash through as well to get good reports. Those reports lie heavy on inventory, and square is still missing the full functionality needed for me.


I do a PO according to my invoice, I receive a  flat of beer such as (4- 6packs of 16oz cans)  or (4- 6packs 12oz bottles). I sell these items as both single bottles/cans and as 6 packs. This makes inventory impossible, as I've read on my peoples posts with similar questions.


What about when I receive via PO, i've entered my qty of 24 bottles (or whatever is in the case) then give me an option to assign a quantity to deduct from singles, 6pks or whatever it may be from the "master item". The master wouldn't have no purpose other then to receive stock and give a baseline to deduct stock from. (or just have people much smarter then myself design something that would work for tracking this style of stock)


5) Now I want to get real picky:


Give me a way to click on quantity and type in a number rather then making me press + 10 times.


The dollar amounts as mentioned on my previous post are tiny, if you aren't going to make them bigger, at least ALWAYS include $1 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 plus your exact amount& other amount. I would love getting to skip the clunky other amount process as much as possible.


Split payments, for the love of all that's good, please stop auto-filling the amount with the full amount due, clearly if I want to split pay, it won't be for the full amount. lets speed up the process and send me right to a blank box (With the cursor defaulted in place) and let me type in the first amount to be paid. clicking, clearing, typing in new amount is just too much when the line gets busy.


When I hit the charge button, then a customer wants to add something else, I have to hit the X and type in my login. Can I change this, if not then it needs to be turned off. I shouldn't need authorization to back up and add items to a cart.


Can we get a way to add/take inventory by building a list via barcode scanner. I have around 5000 skus and it just isn't feasible to inventory any other way. Especially when I should be doing it frequently to detect theft and shrinkage.


Adding items to a discount stops at somewhere in the 500 items....why? I mix and match beer singles. I have well over 800 skus that I need to add, but I can't. so I resort to having to apply discount manually to each item that isn't on that list. Yawn, time consuming.


If you've made it to the end of this, give yourself a pat on the back. Thanks for reading and hope some of these ideas are equally as useful to others. It would be nice to get a good overhaul on square point of sale and keep making better. Being this is my second post, the first being when I first starting using square nearly a year ago, not much has changed. Maybe this time around we can get a few improvements. 




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