
Is there a way to create a prompt for cashier to ask for ID for all alcoholic items?

I'd like a prompt to come up every time an alcoholic item is scanned into the system for sale (to remind cashiers to ask for ID). Is there a way to set this up?

Message 1 of 3
Super Seller

A direct alert, no, but I have an idea for a quick workaround solution if you're using the standard Point of Sale. (If you're using Square for Retail, I believe the steps are the same but I'm not entirely sure...)


You can set up a Modifier Set called "ID." Then have a single modifier that says "ID Checked."


Each item that requires an ID check can have this modifier set selected.


Here's where it gets a little tricky: in your Dashboard, for the first item in your list that has this modifer, click on the "Customize" link next to the modifier. Make sure the Required Modifiers and Maximum Modifiers sections are set to 1 and that ID Checked is not set as preselected. At the bottom of this customize screen is the option to make other items match this item.


When the item is ordered on the Point of Sale, the modifier screen will pop up and will not let the cashier continue until they tap "ID Checked."


It's not a foolproof solution, and each item entered will have to have the ID Checked modifier tapped, but hopefully it will remind your cashiers to check. Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Super Seller: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 3

Very helpful, thank you Ryan.


Square: It would be great for you to add this as a feature!

Message 3 of 3