
New Square Register Bugs & Serious Customer Disappointment

I am now on my second Square Register, the newest offering from Square, and I have to say that as slick as it is, it has to be one of the buggiest systems I have ever used.  Examples:


1. The first Square Register (less than 15 days into setting it up) had to be returned because the chip reader would decide at any given point in the day to reject cards that were being read just fine earlier, simply becasue it didn't like the "angle" the card was inserted.  Reinsert the card slightly pulled to the left, and it would work fine.  Do that for the next 6 cards and it worked great.  Try it on the 7th and it would fail, so you would have to gently wiggle the card about until it found the sweet spot and work.  Would happen at least once a day.  Got so frustrated that Square finally offered to accept it back and replace it, saying it was a reader malfunction.


2.  Second Square Register replacement arrived and now two weeks into this unit, the customer display panel intermittently decides it will not boot up every few days and just stays on the Square logo until you pop it out and reinsert it so the unit boots up properly.  Square tech support says it just wasn't remounted properly.  Funny, considering it gets reinserted and functions perfectly fine for a couple days (so the 'remounting' must have worked perfectly fine) and the register doesn't get moved or handled, yet it decides to just stop working when it feels like it.


3.  Touch screen buttons decide to just "not work" from time to time.  For example: enter a sale with single or multiple ticket items, choose the "discount" category, choose 10% off the entire sale and it works fine.  Follow the same exact process 4 sales later, and the button is non-functional.  You have to go into the sale and open each ticket item to select the discount manually.  Repeat the same original process 9 sales later and the discount button works fine.


Before the SECOND Register decided to start acting up, I took it upon faith the first system was perhaps an isolated incident and so ordered a third system to place in my other store which is on its way.  Now I am sorry I did so because the track record up to now has been lousy.


I am deeply concerned that Square rushed this Register to market without fully testing the system and the software and now customers like myself are paying.  I am now $2000 deep into these systems which should be workhorses for that price, yet they are persnickety and buggy.  You didn't even include Bluetooth in the design for items like wireless handheld scanners which should have been a no-brainer.  


Disappointment on my part is an understatement to say the least.  And for the record, I don't need platitudes or sorrys from Square; I need functional register systems.

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You have to remember the history here.  @username100 rushed this new Register to market at the same time their Apple product, Sqaure Register, was having major performance issues.  Square provided no information on performacne testing or any type of quality control on the new Register which were sore spots in all of us who realized they never quality tested the current software and simply blamed others, Apple, for their wowes.


With that, now that they claim this product is 100% their own and no reliant on other companies, we shall see if they can stand the test of time and use.  Square never honored a single warranty of the Apple based system during their failure and has, as of this date, never offered any form of compensation or consideration for the nearly 3-month failure.  


With that said, it will be beneficial for those considering the new Square Register to hear your reviews and abut any issues with the New register as these are large investments for many people and their businesses can either benefit or be harmed by the competence of Square and their poducts.




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Hi @OWAT my name is Sara and I'm the product manager for Square Register. Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback. I very sorry for your experience with Square Register so far.


We have received your unit back in SF and we are in the process to investigate what is wrong with the first unit you returned. In regards the issues you are having with your second unit, I’ve been discussing them with engineering and we will give you a call to discuss them further and see how can we fix them.


Again, thank you for your feedback. Please post additional feedback or any improvements you want to see in Square Register. Really looking forward to hearing from you. 




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