
Item Library in Dashboard not showing Inventory


Loggin into square and selecting the "Items" tab on the far left vertical banner I am directed to my current items. On the newly shown horizontal banner the following information is displayed: (starting from left to right) Name, Location, Category, and Price. The option "All Inventory" is selected as well. However, there is no inventory or stock information displayed! Not even a place for it in the upper horizontal banner with the other informational headings. To see any inventory information I have to select an item, (it doesn't matter which) in the new right-hand popout menu under "inventory" select a location, press go, wait for a totally different page to be loaded (where inventory editing takes place) to be able to even see my inventory levels! 


There is a huge horizontal gap between "Category" and "Price" in the upper horizontal banner under the "Items" section that I just know should have my inventory numbers. It must be something silly that I didn't push, however, I can't find the solution. How can I display my inventory/stock data without having to do the extra work of entering in the inventory editing area?

Thank your for the help!

Message 1 of 3

my screen looks the same.  this view does not show the individual procie variations on each item, so I think that's why it's not tracking inventory on this page.

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator



If you’re using one Square account with multiple locations enabled, you’re currently unable to track inventory levels across all locations or devices.


With multiple locations, inventory is established, edited, and tracked on a per-location basis.


You'll need to navigate to the location specific dashboard to make edits or view inventory. 

Message 3 of 3