
Setting up flat rate shipping and optional tax

New to square.  First day.


My business only uses emailed invoices and in person purchases.  I can't figure out how to set up the following:


1.  Flat rate $3.00 shipping for shipped products, per invoice/sale, not per product.  Need to be able to not charge for in-person transactions.  Can't figure out how to set up shipping.


2. Want to charge single 7.00% tax rate for entire invoice, only for in-person purchases and  same state invoices.  Need to be able to not charge for out-of-state purchases.


I have spent awhile searching for threads but haven't been able to figure how to set it up.  I enabled tax for my <100 skus, but don't know how to suspend the charge for out-of-state inovices.

Message 1 of 8

Figured out how to conditionally apply tax, but I still haven't figured out the optional flat ship rate per invoice.

Message 2 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi there. 


While there isn't a Shipping option that you can enable for these specific types of payments, what you can do is create a "Shipping" item and price it at the flat fee of $3.00. 


Whenever the specific sale calls for a shipping charge, you'd add the "Shipping" item to the sale.



Message 3 of 8

I also set up shipping as an item. My shipping charges are contigent on the amount of the order. So, I just select one of the multiple shipping items that suits my order. I avoid in person shipping charges by not adding a shipping charge item to the bill.

Message 4 of 8

I have to charge a $7 shipping fee to in person orders because the products get mailed to them. I keep forgetting to add it before I charge the card. How can I set it up so square does it automatically? 

Message 5 of 8

Hey @Mirenda, thanks for reaching out to the seller community and for bringing this up.


I went to check on this, and currently there isn't a way to automate adding a shipping fee for in-person orders as you've described. A potential workaround that may help: if you're using a tablet with Point of Sale, you can add these two items to a grid page. The idea here is that, if you place the items next to each other, it will be a reminder to add the shipping charge at the time of the sale.


For more details on managing the grid layout, have a look here: Set Up Your Item Grid on a Tablet.


I realize that this still leaves a bit of room for error—especially in a fast-paced work environment, but I hope this helps prevent anything from slipping by. In addition, I'll be sure to surface your post with our Point of Sale team who is actively working on improvements based on seller feedback. If anything else comes up, we'll be sure to circle back to this thread.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 6 of 8

One of my problems with adding a shipping fee to the items list is that when I apply a discount that same discount takes it from the shipping charge as well - giving them discounted shipping which doesn't help me at all... It really should be its own charge and have a separate line like taxes do. How do we get around that?


Message 7 of 8
Square Community Moderator

@AnnaLSB One thing you can do is create a tax called Shipping, which will put it in that separate line item like you were wanting. We break down our tax reporting so you will still know what to pay in taxes and what was actually a shipping charge. 


Let me know if that works for you, also, welcome to the Seller Community! 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 8