
Setting up second business under same LLC (two DBA's under one LLC)

We have a Square account set up for our existing restaurant, which is under an LLC. Now we are opening a second (different) restaurant that is a second "DBA" under the same LLC. Therefore, they operate under their DBA names, but are both part of the one LLC with one Tax ID Number. I want to set up the second location, but when the page opens, the first line asks for "BUSINESS NAME" and the name of the LLC is already listed. The second line is asking for "NICKNAME", and that would clearly be the dba name for the second restaurant. My question is, do I leave the BUSINESS NAME as the LLC because that is the entity with the tax ID number, or do I change that first line to the DBA name, which is the name the new restaurant operates under for day to day? I see that I can add the physical address and hours of the new location, and have a different bank account for that location. 

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Hello @npreece


This is a good question that I'm sure other businesses have encountered. Because of the seriousness of taxes and the IRS, I recommend consulting a tax professional for this. I think it offers peace of mind. 🙂

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