
General Setup Advice

Hi Everyone,


We just underwent a new business expansion and the business founder wanted to switch from Intuit to Square, so I am now trying to set the system up.  I have a couple questions, but first here are the basic business details:


  • It is a wellness center
  • We have a variety of different types of staff (therapists, counselors, nutritionists, personal trainers, life coaches, etc.)
  • Each staff member sets there own per session rate
  • Some staff members will have different rates for the same service between two clients 
  • We keep credit cards on file and currently just run the charges for all clients once a week (during our weekly payroll/billing reconcilation meeting).


My basic questions are:

  1. Is it worth setting up permissions for each staff member or is having a single company password fine?  Since we'll probably continunue to run the cards once a week, I only see the extra usernames being used on occassion.
  2. I see the employee section on the website, but without paying extra for permissions/roles, the employee section seems to do nothing.  Is this correct?  Outside of roles and permissions, does adding employees add any value to the system?
  3. I'm struggling with the best way to setup the categories/items.  At first I thought the categories should be "therapy", "counseling", etc. and the Items should possibly be the staff members name.  So like Therapy->Therapist Name.  However, since its possible that two clients are paying different rates for the same service (happens often with staff that accept different types of insurance or sometimes a staff member raises their rates on new clients but leaves the prices the same for existing clients) this structure doesn't seem to work.  
    1. As a side question to this, if I use a category/item, can I override the defaultprice (or not input a default price)?  So I could use the category/items for reporting and reconcilation with the payroll system, but not be locked into setting a default payment amount.
  4. Because we are technically in the medical industry, I really don't want to be forced to input the client name/email into the system (potential HIPPA issue), but I can't find a way to circumvent this in order to store clients as a client number (or similar).


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, 


These are all great questions! To keep things organized and easily digestible, I've answered them in list form below:


  1. Setting up staff members, permissions and Employee passcodes allow you to keep track of who processed each transaction. You can also customize restrictions such as refunds and discounts etc. If you're not looking to customize restrictions or have separate reporting for each staff member, you would do just fine with a single company passcode and permission set
  2. Employee Management is a paid subscription, so if you're not subscribed to
    the service you won't have access to the features. It wouldn't really benefit you to create employees if you're not subscribing to the service. 
  3. What you might be able to do is leave the price point blank for these services, which will prompt the employee completing the payment to enter the amount to charge. This will allow for variable priced services. 
  4. Square sellers are responsible for determining whether they are subject to HIPAA requirements and whether they intend to use the Services in connection with PHI. You can always learn more by visiting Square’s HIPAA Business Associate Agreement.

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