
Please help: I'm having to issue refunds for all online orders outside of my delivery area.

I sale heavy items which I deliver to many surrounding counties in Northern CA.  I am having to consistantly refund individuals who do not notice my disclaimers on the webstore, that we can only fulfill local orders, and am left having to issue several refunds.  May I limit sales to a certain geographical area?  I turned off "accept all orders" in an effort to review any accepted orders first, but do not notice a difference in the processing of orders.  They are still automatically accepted.


Any advise would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Message 1 of 4

Sorry to hear about the trouble, @HallieHunt. Currently there isn't a way to restrict your orders by location - definitely see how that would be useful. It's not something that's currently in development but I'll share your post the online store team, nonetheless!


To you second point, the "Automatically Accept All Incoming Orders" setting only applies to Pick Up orders, so if your orders are set as 'Shipping Orders' it won't impact them. Hope the helps clarify. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Message 2 of 4

I am having this same problem! I love the idea of online ordering with square but you guys seem to be neglecting the restaraunt industry 😞  We need Delivery instead of "Shipping", a way to restrict oders by address or google map range, or until then, a way to review shipping orders from the POS! If someone placed an online order, to be shipped, then it came up on my Orders Screen, where I could check the order and address before accepting it and sending it to the kitchen printer, we would be in good shape. Please send this to your development team. 

Message 3 of 4

Hello @bettybombers, those are some great suggestions I'll make sure to share with our Online Store Team! Although currently none of these suggestions are in development right now. 


If you have any other questions please let me know! I would be happy to help out. 🙂

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