
Issue processing gift card purchases under $1?

Just recently, my register stopped allowing gift cards to be redeemed for purchases under a dollar.  Is anyone else having this problem?  It's becoming a bit of an issue and I'm having to just dismiss these amounts less than one dollar and am losing money on this.  Thanks for your response!

Message 1 of 10
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Re: Gift Card purchase under $1

Got it, thanks for that feedback @TheWell. It sounds like the checkout 'flow' for gift cards with a balance below $1 is not as intuitive as it should be. I'll share this with post with our product team so we can look at ways to improve this.


If anyone else in the Community is experiencing this issue please feel free to post in this thread to let us know!  

1 Best Answer

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Ok, so I ran a few tests.  If you swipe a gift card right from the register screen for less than a dollar it goes through.  If you enter the payment screen first, however, and then try to swipe a gift card for a purchase less than a dollar, even without selecting a payment option,  it pops up the screen that says $1 minimum to process cards.  So normally that won't be an issue, but it still seems like a glitch and there are a few scenarios where that could still present a prolem. 

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Message 5 of 10

What kind of Square POS are you using @TheWell and what type of gift cards (physical or e)? I'll take a look into this for you!

Message 2 of 10

We're using the most current version of the IOS app on an ipad and they are square gift cards.  If the purchase is less than a dollar or if it's split or discounted making the balance due less than a dollar than all the payment options are grayed out and only the cash buttons on the checkout screen work.  


Message 3 of 10

Thanks for your reply @TheWell. Can you try swiping your customer's gift card for a payment less than $1, without selecting any payment options? 


Also if a customer wants to use up a gift card that has a balance of less than $1 if you swipe your customer's gift card first (don't tap Split Tender) you should see a screen indicating the amount left on the card, and a button to Charge This Card and Continue. When you continue you'll be at the same split tender screen and you can accept the balance of the payment.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 4 of 10

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Ok, so I ran a few tests.  If you swipe a gift card right from the register screen for less than a dollar it goes through.  If you enter the payment screen first, however, and then try to swipe a gift card for a purchase less than a dollar, even without selecting a payment option,  it pops up the screen that says $1 minimum to process cards.  So normally that won't be an issue, but it still seems like a glitch and there are a few scenarios where that could still present a prolem. 

Message 5 of 10

Got it, thanks for that feedback @TheWell. It sounds like the checkout 'flow' for gift cards with a balance below $1 is not as intuitive as it should be. I'll share this with post with our product team so we can look at ways to improve this.


If anyone else in the Community is experiencing this issue please feel free to post in this thread to let us know!  

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 6 of 10

Any update on this? It's been a year and I also have this issue when trying to use saved eGift cards. Since there's no card to swipe, you have to move on to the payment screen for this payment type. 


Message 7 of 10

We are selling concessions at a pool, so we have kids wanting to buy a $.25 piece of candy, but the square app doesn't give the option of using "Card on File" to pay unless the charge is at least $1. Is there a way around this? 

Message 8 of 10

Is there an update on this? I don't understand why there's a limitation on charging less than $1 on a gift card. The customer has already paid money for the card. It's hard to tell them they can't spend the balance in whatever amount they want. 

Maybe this is related to not charging less than $1 on a credit card? Now that Square is charging a per transaction fee, will this limitation also go away?


Message 9 of 10

Hey @southallswim- thanks for checking in. 


I just checked with our Product Team and currently there haven't been any updates for this particular issue. If a customer wants to use an eGift card to make a purchase for a transaction that's under $1, you would need to manually enter the eGift card number. 😔 


We unfortunately don't have a workaround either at this point. Thanks for being patient with this. If and when this changes, we'll definitely circle back on this thread and share the update.

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Message 10 of 10