
Preventing multiple concurrent authentications from a single site member's credentials

We received a question from a Weebly Developer who wanted to know how best to prevent multiple concurrent app authentications from a single (unique) site member's credentials.

First, allow me to clarify the situation for those who might be unfamiliar...

  1. A Weebly Site Admin has enabled the "Members" feature of Weebly upon one of their sites. This feature allows visitors the ability to register for membership to the respective site.

  2. The Weebly Site Admin __may__ want to have "Paid" membership areas of their site. This use case is when an app such as [Paid Members](https://www.weebly.com/app-center/paid-members) can be helpful for Weebly Site Admins.

  3. A Weebly Site Admin may want to be certain each "Member" of a site can **only** ever authenticate once at any given time (preventing member's credential sharing).

Currently, this type of identify validation would require Weebly Developers to be able to enable their applications to receive `member.login` and `member.logout` events in the [webhook event data](https://dev.weebly.com/use-webhooks.html) received from Weebly for a specific app and for those events to contain unique information about the respective member, their device, etc...

Weebly does not currently support this use-case for Member Event Data in Webhooks, but it would be interesting to know if there are other Weebly developers interested in this feature, what type of event payloads would you expect if we were to offer this feature in the future, and what other use cases you could solve with this feature?

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I would be interested in receiving member.login and member.logout webhooks. Currently I'm bypassing the Weebly membership functionality and managing membership in my back end service through the use of token authentication of the user. Unfortunately this means I'm not able to take advantage of some of the functionality provided by the Weebly framework such as hiding pages to certain members and/or groups which means I've had to be somewhat creative with the layout of the site, plus I find myself hitting my back end twice as much in order to manage user access validation to web pages rather than just back end services.

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