
GDPR and IP Address Capture on Contact Forms and Surveys


I'm based in the UK and as of 25th May 2018 the new GDPR guidelines will land across the EU. I see Weebly participates in the Privacy Shield agreement, which implies that you are (or will be) GDPR compliant.

I've noticed that you capture IP Address both on contact forms and on surveys.  I'm interested in the rationale for this and why it is necessary. Under GDPR IP addresses will be classified as personal data. 

Under GDPR I (as Data Controller) will need to write a privacy policy stating what personal data I capture, why I need it, and also how long I will keep it for.  Whilst I can justify all the other personal data I am asking for in a contact form, I cannot justify capturing IP Address.  I'm therefore at the point where I believe I cannot use your contact form or survey options as I believe they would breach GDPR. 

Does Weebly have plans to stop capturing IP Address? Or give EU customers the option in form settings (with appropriate warnings etc)?

Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 31

Yes, we need an opt out option from Weebly.

I don't need an IP Adresse or a copy of contacts form etc.

This needs to be solved quickly.

Message 31 of 31

Hi @Bernadette thanks for the update. As we're a week away from this dropping, I'm guessing your dev team should be able to answer specific IP Address capture queries now so:

1. Does Weebly intend to replace the IP address capture on Blog comments, surveys and contact forms (and anything else) with an identifier which cannot be traced to an individual?  (I think the answer to this has to be 'yes')

2. For existing data will you be undertaking a cleanup exercise to ensure any IP addresses which are stored are replaced by this new data item? And if not - where does that leave people with existing surveys / comments / contact forms



Message 31 of 31

Hi @CGreen As of now additional questions regarding GDPR are being handled through support tickets. If you haven't already done so please make a request here: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Thanks! Smiley Happy

Message 31 of 31

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! (i.e. "As of now additional questions regarding GDPR are being handled through support tickets." stated by Bernadette) 

Any such statement should be coming via an email from management to ALL account holders rather than account holders having to happen by accident on one thread in which the statement is made!

You have a MONUMENTAL CHANGE AFFECTING WEBSITES ALL OVER THE WORLD (i.e. anybody who has a website visited by anybody living in the EU is effected by this change)

At a point when you should have a specific GDPR Portal for a Help and Support Service for how account holders should be implementing the changes you have made to Weebly software to make their websites properly GDPR compliant some [expletive deleted] behind the scenes decides this is the point at which every support request re GDPR should be dealt with as individual support tickets!

Quite apart from the monstrous inefficiency of such an approach, this only achieves the following:

  • ZERO SUPPORT FOR ACCOUNT HOLDERS AFFECTED BY PRECISELY THE SAME ISSUES - when support is most efficiently provided by detailing robust and consistent statements IN PUBLIC 
  • scope for untrained support people to provide completely different and uninformed answers to account holders - BEHIND THE SCENES and in a way which makes any nonsense they come up with unseen and unaccountable (witness the complete nonsense I've had in reply to some of my support queries re GDPR to date)
  • complete failure to address to any of the specific matters which you should have addressed by now

I started asking you bout GDPR last year. As with the EU cookie requirement (which I asked about re mandatory requirements and complete absence on the Weebly site a very long time ago) you took far too long then and are taking far too long now to provide an adequate response.

Why don't you just "fess up" that you are not going to be ready by Friday 25th May? 
More to the point please explain why you have left account owners with absolutely no time to implement the changes required when other website software companies have had quality help and support pages for GDPR available for some weeks if not months?

It's not what I call good customer service.

PS Have you taken a look at the policy and process statements issued by Google AdSense yesterday re the Weebly Google AdSense module?

Message 31 of 31

"As of now additional questions regarding GDPR are being handled through support tickets." = "Divide & Rule"

Message 31 of 31

What Weebly needs is a proper GDPR Portal for a Help and Support Service which provides:

  • a specific dashboard detailing items which need to be changes and for every item that needs to be addressed you should have:
  • which aspects require change
  • what the current status is i.e. what has been done/issued to date and a link to the specific help page which provides information and advice on implementation
  • what still needs to be done / ranks as outstanding - and why
  • the timescales for when you expect specific changes required to be completed
  • ideally a traffic lights indicator of whether something is "good to go" (ie no reason not to implement); ready but still being tested (i.e. implement if you want to at beta stage - but be aware you may need to update) or "outstanding" and no solution on the horizon
Message 31 of 31

hey guys,

iam just wondering, that nothing is happen here???

On 25.may it is not allowed anymore to track ip adresses. Are you removing theses parts till 25.may????

If not we can not use your service anymore.

Message 31 of 31

Complete lack of action from Weebly then.

Users must consent to cookies. The basic Weebly cookies info is a simple line of text, so no opt in/out, therefore not compliant.

All forms must have check boxes to show consent. WordPress has numerous plugins for this. Weebly has...?

Anything else all of our website lack and therefore make them non-GDPR compliant? 

Message 31 of 31

Sorry for the lack of communication, guys - we are working on getting out the changes as quickly as we can right now. It'll be easier to go over all of the different aspects of it once these are out and after the laws go into effect. 

Message 31 of 31

Agree entirely with what you're saying, and things have moved on quite a bit since your original post. As of 25th May 2018, all Weebly sites carry the following message on the cookie banner:- "This site uses cookies to personalize your experience, analyze site usage, and offer tailored promotions". While this may be OK from Weebly's standpoint, it leaves us (their paying customers) in a very weird position...... It is effectively telling OUR customers that Weebly has used the cover of GDPR to grab our site visitors for its own marketing purposes!!!!!  I'm no expert in GDPR law, but I'm sure this complies with nothing but the law of opportunism, not to mention that it is extremely off-putting to anyone who reads it ...... and they expect US to pay for the privilege! Any thoughts?

Message 32 of 31