
How do I speed up the process with Google Adsense on my weebly website?

I have been trying to speed up the process for Google AdSense to accept mysite for their ads according to Google's advice. However, I have yet to receive a code of any kind like they mention. My Home page on Google AdSense continues to say "We're working on setting you up" but I yet to receive any code that keep saying in their help section. So how am I supposed to speed up the process if they won't let me? My AdSense is already link to the Home page of my weebly site. Is there some process on weebly that I'm not doing to link to Google AdSense properly especially if I'm not receiving code?

Message 1 of 9

I'm pretty sure the process is all on Google's end. How long have you been waiting for it to set up?

Message 10 of 9

I once used it with Blogger but that was a few years ago when I was turned down. However, I re-registered with Weebly in November 2017 and removed any connection to Blogger that may have been there including the email that was under it. I even deleted my Blogger just to make sure it wasn't interfering.

In Google AdSense Help it keeps telling me to add a code to my website found on the Home page of AdSense. Problem is its not there at all like its supposed and I can't access anything other then the Home page that says "We're still working on setting you up" and the settings of Account information and Personal Settings. I already asked someone over at the Google forums about this but they told me that AdSense's system might be thinking I'm registering with Blogger again. They did mention I might have to do the same thing in some form for Weebly like I did with Blogger. I just want to know if I need to other things to help speed the process up of being approved.

Message 10 of 9

Hmm.. that's not something I've heard of before, but I can ask around for you. 

 They did mention I might have to do the same thing in some form for Weebly like I did with Blogger. 

What did you have to do with Blogger?

Message 10 of 9

I post what he or she said:

"The first URL you register with is usually  'stuck' with your email address, as far as Adsense is concerned.   So if you originally registered with Blogger, and were never approved, the system may assume you're trying again with the same blog. With Blogger, you use the in-built code - and that message is the normal one that people see if they're trying to apply through Blogger.

I have no idea how you would go about registering with Weebly; you would have to ask in one of the Weebly forums or help desks.  If there's something built into Weebly, then you might see the same message as you would with Blogger; there's no way of knowing."
Message 10 of 9

This is the information we have for AdSense. Did you already follow these steps?


Message 10 of 9

I believe I did as my AdSense is still active and I also have 30 articles with custom social media icons and a banner on my website's Home page. I followed all the steps Weebly and Adsense told me to do and to make sure there are complications I deleted my Blogger (not my Google+ which isn't tied to Adsense at all) to make sure. I'm not sure what to do as the only option I could think of is to close my AdSense account and reapply if its taken this long to process my site especially when I reached their requirements.

Message 10 of 9

Is there anyone else that can help me figure this out because I honestly don't know what to do in my situation. Should I close my AdSense account and reapply now that my Blogger is completely close?

Message 10 of 9

You could try that, although I think it might be better to just contact Google and ask them if there's anything else you need to do. I would hate for you to close this adsense account and make another one and end up in the same position.

Message 10 of 9