
Introduction, Comments, and Questions

Hi, My name is Debbie and I built a website for our church.  My husband uses Weebly for school - posts all homeworks and worksheets etc. - No more, "My dog ate my homework!" It's always available for download ;-). 

I love the ease of use.  Our site is really simple at the moment but I have a few questions.  Not sure if there is a glitch or it is operator error!

- Our website doesn't come up in a search engine.  Sometimes Firefox is saying it is unsecure and won't allow it, other times it is simply nowhere in sight.

- Second question:  When building a standard page there seems to be a glitch in editing abilities.  If I want to underline or bold a font I simply highlight it and click the buttons - it works like it should.  But, if I want to center one word I highlight it and ALL the text moves - am I missing something??? It only happens when moving text i.e. Center or Justified

Thanks for the help

Message 1 of 3

Hey Debbie, 

Thanks for reaching out to the Weebly community! I'm glad you and your husband are finding Weebly so easy to use!

After publishing your website, there are still some additional steps you will want to take to make sure that your site will show up high on search engine results! The following link from our help center will give you an overview of some of the SEO tools that you have at your disposal in Weebly as well as some external steps you can take to optimize your website:


As far as the text allignment function not working properly, you might want to try clearing your browser history and cache! Sometimes if you go months without clearing your browser history, it can start to slow things down Smiley Sad I haven't heard any reported issues with the text allignment not working properly, so I think it would definitely be worth a shot! Also you might want double check to make sure that you are using the most up-to-date version of Firefox!

Let us know how it goes!

Message 2 of 3

Hello. I'm new to weebly too and love it. I did not like the tools or price of who our church was using before. However, I'm happy now. Chat support up until 11pm at night. Frienly and helpful customer service, a community where weebly employees are active. Anyway, I was looking to connect with everyone else that manages a site for their church to share ideas. We're on the pro plan. Here's our site: http://www.medwaybaptist.org

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