
Product Listings constantly drop out of one of my categories * BUG *

Product Listings constantly take themselves out of one of my categories

Everytime I list a one of a kind item I add it to 4 of my categories.  One of my categories is "Ready to ship".  I ALWAYS make sure that it is in that category before publishing. This last time I simply copied a listing that already had "ready to ship" as one of the 4 categories it was in and published. After publishing, I went back in a couple of times to make sure that indeed ready to ship was still listed as a category. Now 15 or so min later, the listing has suddenly dropped out of ready to ship and when I go to edit the listing it is not listed as one of the categories either. 

This has happened OVER AND OVER and I am really really sick of it. The last 20 or so times I have listed a new product on Weebly, it publishes with all of my categories listed and then somehow later that day, it drops my listings from "READY TO SHIP". It always drops the listings from the same category EVERY time. 

This is a really annoying bug, please fix it. 



Message 1 of 35


I am back to report that I created a product only using "add product" not the "copy" function at all and the product randomly dropped out of one of the categories that I added to the listing. I even was able to drag it into place on the site editor up to my top row of listings, but then after publishing it, it was nowhere to be found in one of the categories. I looked in the site editor and it wasn't in the grid of products on the category page anymore either. I went to products and opened it up, it showed as still being in one category but not the second one.  I added it back to the category that got dropped and published again and now it seems to be in there again *for now*.  I will try the exercise you outlined in your previous comment since I guess it is assumed that all Weebly customer are willing to volunteer our time to this decrepit paid service.

Message 36 of 35


It is FULL of error codes. The code is mostly red and orange in the console view. Not surprised. Weebly is very unstable.

After the product just dropped out YET AGAIN from the same category I took screenshots of the console reports.imageimageimage

Message 36 of 35

Apologies, but Adam was out and didn't see this message. I'll check with him to see if he has any input on your latest screenshot. 

Message 36 of 35


This time in addition to the rearrange not working, it deletes all items that were recently added to a category even after publishing and I have to re-add them over again and again. 

I have reported this issue both as a bug of products dropping out of categories and as this bug of the rearranging feature not saving. They are indeed related. There is something seriously wrong with the site editor function that allows products to be rearranged and then drops them. It is reverting to it's previous state over and over again by both unarranging things I move and dropping products out of the category that I just added them to. 

If I go to the "product library" and select a number of products and then select "add to category" which send the products checked to the new category. I then hit the "x"close button to back out of the store editor and go to the site editor. I go to the category that I just added them to and YES there they are....down at the bottom of the category page where all new products of every category show up (which is another dingbat thing that is programmed into this site, but for another day). I then start moving my new products to this category from the bottom of the page up to the top of the category page so my customers will see my new products first. All looks well, so I am ready to publish. I hit publish and everything seems normal. I open a new tab and check out my website, yes, there they are published. I go back to my site editor tab and yes there they are at the top. Then (and this is where the BUG exists) in the Weebly tab I visit any other category or do any other maneuver within the site editor and upon returning to previously edited category where I added new products, ALL OF THE NEW PRODUCTS ARE GONE. I then refresh the other tab where I checked my website out to make sure my edits that I published are visible and then even though I never hit publish again, my site has reverted back to the previous instance of the category where NONE OF THE NEW PRODUCTS ARE INCLUDED!  


Message 36 of 35

This is a strange question, but after you publish the site do you click on the link to view your site or do you open a tab and type in your url? I know there's some type of strange behavior that happens during a specific flow, but I'm not sure if this applies to your situation. Nor would it explain the reorder in the editor, but I want to try to make sure we have as much additional information as possible. Thank you!

Message 36 of 35


I have a separate tab that I refresh for my website and leave open while I make edits to the site editor in another tab. I see it there with all the new updates. Before it is even suggested, just let me tell you this is not a cache issue. After I see my edits successfully published I then go to back the tab with the editor open assuming everything is cool because I just saw it published correctly, and go about my business editing some other pages that need editing or whatever. It is after that,  then I go back to the previous page I was editing *IN THE EDITOR* and the listings that were added are gone and things I moved/rearranged are back to their old positions. I then go to the open tab with my live website on it and refresh and sure enough, my site has reverted to the pre-edits even though A. I already hit publish after making edits and saw them live and successful as intended on my website. B. Never hit publish again while making other edits and yet, somehow Weebly magically has an auto-publish switch that goes off by itself, so in the act of Weebly reverting to previous edits, it also auto published which why I also end up seeing it revert back on my live site as well.

There is a major bug with using the site editor while in Chrome since you guys never resolved this, I decided to try never using chrome for edits again to see if that worked. Since then I have been using Opera, LOL, seriously.....   Since using Opera I have never had any issues with publishing. It's pretty jacked up that Weebly's code works with Opera and not one of the most popular browsers being used globally today. Anyways.....Whatev's, glad I figured out so I don't have to deal with that anymore. I feel for all of your other customers that are silently suffering with this insanity.  It was really makes trying to have shop updates an absolute nightmare, especially when customers are waiting on my listings to publish to purchase them on a release date. Sometimes I sell out in an hour. My customers expect my listings to be posted when advertised and I have to deliver on that.

Since I already brought it up, I would like to expand upon Weebly's auto-publishing BUG that no one ever talks about.  Since the dawn of using Weebly, I have found it really annoying that there are certain edits to the site editor that auto-publish. There are quite a bit of edits that I notice, tend to auto-publish whether I want them to or not. I really think that auto-publishing needs to be turned off. It is not appropriate for web building, especially for a site builder type relationship and it is not doing anyone any favors. Experiment with actually making a website and don't hit the publish button for a while when moving things around in the menu, on the page, in categories etc etc and you will see what I am talking about. I don't have time to get into all the details but it is a problem and it needs to be turned off. 

Message 36 of 35

I'm glad to hear you found a browser that will work for you. I understand what you are talking about with the publishes, I just don't know how to explain what is happening. Try opening a brand new window, making an edit, then publishing. Click on the link in the pop up publish window that will direct you to your site. Verify changes made, then close the tab with the site. Go back to the editor and make some changes without publishing. Open the site in a new tab and verify the changes did not show up. 

Message 36 of 35

@Bernadette I have taken videos of exactly what is happening if you go back a few pages. I have been very thorough with describing the bug that exists. I think most customers will just choose to not renew and go to something more reliable. All this leg work I have done can easily be seen as complaining but in reality by me providing all of this info I am actually helping Weebly for free to build a better product by pointing out that their product does not work with certain browsers. That is really as far as I am going to take this. I wish Weebly luck with fixing bugs that I have reported over the years that continue to persist. 

1. Try opening a brand new window  √

2. making an edit  √

3. then publishing  √

4. Click on the link in the pop up publish window that will direct you to your site.  √

5. Verify changes made  √

6. then close the tab with the site   √

7. Go back to the editor and make some changes without publishing  √

8. Open the site in a new tab √

Did all this. After I did "7." and went back to the editor to make some changes WITHOUT publishing and opened my site in a new tab, the edit I just did WITHOUT ever publishing was right there live on my site. Highly annoying! Why does Weebly have a constant script running that is auto-publishing every little change live? I don't see anywhere in the text where Weebly discloses that their site editor auto-publishes. I doubt very many people prefer to make web updates live without ever consenting to publish and yet Weebly is publishing the entire time the site editor is open, whether or not the publish button is ever even hit.

Message 36 of 35

Regarding the products and categories, I checked on the bug we have with our engineers and it looks like they were able to reproduce it. I don't know why there hasn't been any further movement - I posted asking for an update. 

As for publishing and how it works, I usually describe it like this:

When you publish your site, we remove whatever live cache snapshot we have of your site. A new cache of a page is made when you view that page on your live site, and it will use whatever is currently in the editor for the page. This means that if you publish your site, don't look at a page (and no one else does, too), make more changes, then go look at the page, it will then show those changes as well.  This situation doesn't usually happen for most people because they usually go look at their changes right after making them, so the cache for the page is set right after publishing and before any other changes are made. The short solution is if you want to make changes to a page and you aren't sure if it's been viewed at all since your last publish, view the live page first. That'll make sure that any edits you make to the page won't show until you publish.

As for using Opera... I could think of worse browsers and I'm not necessarily surprised it works, although, yea... Opera. I can't say too much, though, I still prefer Safari to Chrome even though both are using the Webkit engine (or rather Safari uses webkit and Chrome uses an engine they forked from webkit). Opera actually uses the same engine that Chrome uses, and to make everything even more wild Microsoft plans to also use that same engine in the next version of Edge. Anyway, I digress...

Message 36 of 35

@Adam  @Bernadette 

Thanks for the update, Adam. In my previous message I had stated that using Opera had allowed me to work around it, well apparently that was wishful thinking or just luck or something. Today I am using Opera to edit my site and move some of my products from earrings over to *ready to ship* and none of them are staying where I put them. After I publish and it looks like they have successfully been added to *ready to ship* they drop out. When I go back to that section later as I move more products there, I notice the ones I moved previously over there are no longer there. This really is a maddening bug.

Even if I take something OUT of a category, that change does not stay and the dang product ends up back in there when I just took it out. I think it is horrible a User Interface that relies on a single way of useability and user behavior in order to work predictably, especially when that requirements is hidden to the user. Most online sellers that run online shops for living have a long list of website updates that they perform regularly. Like 50 updates at a time sometimes. No part of the functionality of a site editor should rely on behavioral wizardry in order for a published page to stay published after hitting the button, nor should auto publishing be happening when it is clear that the sheer fact that a "publish" button exists implies that that is how content is saved and delivered live to our websites. And I would like to add that I DO PREVIEW after every publish and that this is still happening. I just saw all of my edits live and everything looks honkey dorey and then now I am dealing with everything reverting back to the way it was 30 min ago and I have to make all of the edits again because everything I deleted from the category is back and everything I added to the category is now gone. Also, this is now happening AGAIN when I try to add a product to a category. The window is not even loading the categories for me to select. 


Please add the info about it not working in multiple browsers to the report because running the site editor in opera is now exhibiting the same bug.

Today I deleted 9 products out of my category, "Ready to Ship" and hit "Save" previewed and they were really gone from my site (Live preview). Then 30 min later they were ALL back in there again. 

deleted from this screen:


I have to have a stable and predictable way to communicate what I am selling to my customers. This is the complete opposite of stable. If I go on instagram and say "Hey everybody I just added a bunch of new things to my ready to ship category" because I believed that Weebly published my edits because I previewed and saw them there and then 30 min later I get like 15 message asking where all of the things I just showed on instagram are because they are no where to be found on my site that is f*ed up. That is zero reliability. I can't continue to run my business without a reliable website.

There are multiple bugs going on with this. Here is an example of something not even publishing but still showing in the editor. Keep an eye on the twig earrings.

site editor view {note silver twig earrings}:


Weebly telling me it is published {note silver twig earrings}:


Actual live page after it has supposedly been published {note silver twig earrings missing}.


and now I return to the weebly site editor and SURPRISE youve guessed it. It is now not in there anymore either {note silver twig earrings missing}:


Message 36 of 35

Continuing on with the silver twig earrings. Please read through everything above first, so that you are actually following this behavior and the multiple bugs that I am reporting that relate to this issue. 

I add the silver twig earrings BACK to the ready to ship category AGAIN. And as you can see, the silver twigs are in the site editor down at the bottom of the page {because in all of Weebly's infinite wisdom, new things make sense at the BOTTOM of pages}. Anyway, there it is added. 

Silver twig earrings freshly added to ready to ship category




{ weebly trying to upsell things to me while I am trying to run my business on this things is laughable }



Then I preview my live site. Oh look there it is it actually published and I see it live. Everything must be good right? That must mean that my edits are safe since I am seeing it live right?  Get ready to be disappointed.image


Then I go back to the Weebly site editor. I have decided that this NEW **bleep** listing should be in the first spot on the page, so naturally I decide to move it from the last spot on the page to the first spot on the page.  



Let's preview this wench.  What in the unexplainable f* ! Where the hell did it go?



Let me go back to the site editor and see if it is still in there. Well I still see it so must be cool right? Prob just a browser cache newbie issue, right?  Prob nothing to worry about. I'll just edit some other BS on my site and come back later.....doot ti doo.... keep reading it's about to get real exciting



Went off to rearrange another page {rings} and when I come back to "ready to ship" it went from the above reality to this below. Where in the F* did the silver twig earrings go??!!


NOT ONLY are they NOT where I moved them, but now they are NOT in the "ready to ship" category AT ALL???!?!?!??!

Not even down at the bottom of the page which is where they successfully showed as published before. 


I hope that little adventure was as thrilling for you as it was for me. I get to experience that nearly EVERY TIME I make an edit on my site. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER . I have hundreds of products to manage. No one has time for this unpredictable and unexplainable behavior on Weebly. Some coder somewhere doesn't know what the hell they are doing. Someone left some white space somewhere or dropped a closing symbol somewhere that is not needed and it is causing the code to function sometimes but not all of the time. Whoever is responsible for coding and maintaining the site editor if there even is such a person on the full-time payroll is paid too much for the number of bugs that are literally all over the place. If someone reports a bug that is intermittent, the first thing a troubleshooting team should do is look at the code for garbage.

Message 36 of 35

@Adam @Bernadette 

I provided more information with screenshots above. I would appreciate an update. Yesterday I contacted support because it was making updating my site impossible and they are now looking into it but acting like this is the first they have ever heard of the bug? Why is this after a year still something the tech team is just now hearing about? I really hope Weebly is genuinely going to fix this bug. 

Message 36 of 35

I would guess that the person you spoke with wasn't familiar with it since the bug ticket was created back in December. You were able to speak with a manager, right?

Message 36 of 35


I was able to speak with a manager and hopefully, it will be resolved soon. It really seems like a game of telephone trying to communicate issues to Weebly.

I have no way (that I know of) to retrieve info about all of the tickets about bugs I have reported over the years. If I did, I would surely forward them the info. Honestly, much of what I have reported has never been fixed or I get someone in chat support that knows nothing at all about the interface or even what I am reporting. I despise using the weebly chat support and that is why I come to the forums. 

Reporting something via the forums is at least somewhat trackable and I can review something I have reported before so I can know if I am experiencing something different than what I previously reported. With this bug, in particular, that has been helpful because it has evolved as I used the interface to reveal that it is prolific in all areas of moving products to categories. It is much more extensive and exhibits during more functions than my initial report where I thought it was only happening with new products I was creating. Weebly is really missing the boat by not having an official bug forum with official support available for that purpose. Thanks for your help.

Message 36 of 35