
Why on earth can't it sync services? Why is sync forced?

I do astrological calculations and send people reports.  Some of these things (would) show up on my page (more on that later), but others don't because in the past I had them listed as "services" (an important distinction in my state, which does not tax services but does tax physical goods, which I do not sell through my store).  I also use Square to sell physical goods and services at events and festivals, but do not want to sell them online.

Sync requires me to list everything (except the services, I guess) and when I try to delete them, even with sync turned off, it tells me they will be removed from my Square item list as well.

Basically, this service has never been satisfactory for me, it has never provided me what I wanted, and I feel as if I've been robbed.  There is absolutely no reason I shouldn't be able to sell services.  It should be even easier as I've never set up shipping because I do not want to sell the physical goods I sell at events online, because I don't want to ship people goods.

I'm sure the answer here is "wow you should've done your due diligence" but what is most infuriating is literally all of the functionality I need is already available in Square Appointments.  In fact, I'm using the Appointments interface for non-appointments.  But I don't want to be doing that, please just make it so I can list some things in a shop and some things not in a shop using an embed tool like appointment uses.

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Makes sense Turtles and Cows.

You seem to be experiencing the same frustrations we are with the Square/Weebly connection (or rather ... lack thereof).

Message 4 of 3

I'm a little confused as well, @TurtlesAndCrows. Are you using Square Appointments on your website? What items will you be selling online? I may be wrong about the issue you are describing, but are you able to add a new location for items in Square that you will sell online? Then you can tell your store to only sync to the "online" location. 

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