
Problems with Terminology

The problem, which I have had, with weebly, and other sites, is that the only part, of each site, is the "Welcome to" page.

Beyond this, NOTHING is in HUMAN language.

This is why I dont understand why weebly keeps sending me offers, when  it is IMPOSSIBLE to use the site, since I have no dgree, in computer programming.

This, along with the fact that weebly staff REFUSE to answer questions, about site use, in basic, HUMAN, English. 

I even remember pre-paying weebly, for a months access, only to be called, two weeks into the pre-paid month, to be told "Your site will NOT go online until you answer our computer technology questions."

Dont ask me what the questions were since I do NOT speak "computer".

This is why I wonder why weebly keeps me on mailing lists.  I have told them, repeatedly, that, as long as they do not use HUMAN English, the site is use-LESS to me.

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Hi @GermanAmerican1

I'm not quite understanding what you are referring to. Can you post a screenshot of what you see on your end? It almost sounds like your dashboard is displaying in the html code which might happen if your browser is out of date. Can you visit this website and see what browser version you are using? https://www.whatismybrowser.com/

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