
Transferred Domain not working

I transferred my domain (www.springfieldbluedevilband.org) from GoDaddy to Weebly at the end of May. Got the whole transfer process completed just fine and got the "green light" on my domain dashboard. However, when I attempt to publish my site, I get "Your new domain is not yet setup. Please allow 48 hours for the setup process to complete." I try again 48 hours later and same issue. When I try to go to the address, I get an error saying the site can't be reached because server DNS address could not be found. Am I missing something or is something wrong on Weebly's part?


Message 1 of 7
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello @ohiostmusicman

Your domain is still set to your old name servers. You can just change to our default nameservers to have the domain work directly with us. But if you have e-mail on this domain we will need to plan for that as well. Do you have e-mails on this domain?

If you do not have e-mail, you can change your nameservers to our default nameservers by going to domains in the top left of the dashboard. You then click the three grey dots to the right of the domain name to manage it. from there you will see the option to change to our default nameservers.

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Message 2 of 7

Best Answer

Hello @ohiostmusicman

Your domain is still set to your old name servers. You can just change to our default nameservers to have the domain work directly with us. But if you have e-mail on this domain we will need to plan for that as well. Do you have e-mails on this domain?

If you do not have e-mail, you can change your nameservers to our default nameservers by going to domains in the top left of the dashboard. You then click the three grey dots to the right of the domain name to manage it. from there you will see the option to change to our default nameservers.

Message 2 of 7

Thank you - that did it! No e-mail to worry about.


Message 3 of 7

So, I will have no website for 7 days?... $$$I'm not getting paid$$$.  More details on what to do if you have email and what to do for the 6-7-8-9 days?  No calls = No Money. 

Message 4 of 7

Hello LynNet! You'll want to start by ensuring you have your DNS settings just as you want them, as they'll keep functioning through the process, but won't be changeable until it's finished. To clarify, are you transferring something now, or just looking to do so?

Message 5 of 7

Transfering now... day 3.  http://www.professionalskineducation.com/  

Don't understand what 'DNS settings' are nor know how I want them.  Can I redirect to have my students know the site is "under construction" and call my office? Right now, VistaPrint (where my site was before weebly) comes up with no site info. 

Message 6 of 7

Usually, that would be what you'd use DNS settings for. They tell the domain where to point to find the proper site content to display. If the domain is already in the process of transferring, however, we'd need to wait until it's done before we could make those changes. Sorry for the trouble.

If you still have access to the site's original host, you can make changes there, and they should still reflect until the transfer is complete and the DNS changes are made.

Message 7 of 7