
After ranking on the top, after more SEO, one of my web pages is now tanking at the bottom!

For many years, my website http://www.kjsubz.com was merely a profile page but ranking reasonably well (within top ten spots on google serps) for some keywords.

Last Friday, after two weeks of hard work (read: improved SEO), I finally published my new website at http://kjsubz.weebly.com (that I initially hid from search engines using the setting on weebly) and after submitting it to google and moving my IP address to Weebly, my ranking shot up for many keywords to within top five spots).

Unfortunately, my thrill lasted all of 24 hours. Now for some keywords such as "Karaoke System Rental in Warangal" and many, many more, my page kjsubz.com/karaoke-system-rental which merely hours earlier ranked #3, is no longer showing on google SERP. Tanking at the bottom would be an understatement coz that page now doesn't even show up in the results anywhere. The home page kjsubs.com however is ranking well. What gives?

All I did was add the following lines of code (see way below) to improve the look-and-feel (showing my logo to the left of my headline in google using schema.org), the SEO and go international (originally, I was only targeting Indian cities). I doubt enhanced SEO did it as I notice a couple of sites in my space that have resorted to creative keyword stuffing twice as much as me yet rank above me.

Now I have rolled back all the changes to pre-tanking point, yet besides resubmitting in all three ways google allows me, my new version neither got indexed (it's been three days since) nor is the page in question showing up in SERPs.

Here are the changes that seemingly led to the disappearing page:


kjsubz.com/index.html page (shema.org code to show logo): 

<div itemscope itemtype=”http://schema.org/Organization”>
<a itemprop=”url” href=”http://www.kjsubz.com/”> </a>
<img itemprop=”logo” src="http://i66.tinypic.com/14sefr.png" />


kjsubz.com/karaoke-system-rental.html page (enhanced SEO):

<h2>Karaoke Machine Rental<h2>

<h3>Karaoke System Rental<h3>

<b>Karaoke System Rental<b>

kjsubz.com/karaoke-system-rental.html page (go international):

Karaoke System Hire in New York
Karaoke System Hire in London
Karaoke System Hire in Dubai
Karaoke System Hire in Melbourne
Karaoke System Hire in Toronto

Karaoke System Rental in Sydney
Karaoke System Rental in Los Angeles
Karaoke System Rental in Chicago
Karaoke System Rental in Atlanta
Karaoke System Rental in Bay Area


Please let me know what could have caused it. I have tried all the obvious things. On the Google Search Console I don't see any crawl errors ("no errors detected in the last 90 days - nice!" msg), manual actions, security issues. Strangely, since the disappearing act it has been showing zero total indexed (unsure what it was when I was ranking high in the first 24 hours or so). And fetch as google while showing a status of green tick Complete, after two and a half days, it continues to show Indexing requested for URL and linked pages (normally this should take a few hours). 

I have no clue what else to try. What could have gone wrong to make my page nosedive from hero to zero?

Message 1 of 6

Unsure if this is related but I get the following 404 error on the google search console. And the best I recall, I haven't created any page titled http://www.kjsubz.com/"http://www.kjsubz.com"/ (downright silly, why would I do that?)

Error details
Linked from
Last crawled: 7/2/17
First detected: 7/2/17

Googlebot couldn't crawl this URL because it points to a non-existent page. Generally, 404s don't harm your site's performance in search, but you can use them to help improve the user experience. Learn more

Message 2 of 6

It looks like you have a fair number of pages that are blocked from indexing:


Is that intentional, @Acapulco? These would pages that you checked the box to hide from search engines on the Pages tab.

Message 2 of 6

Yes, they are meant for future use so I had checked the hide boxes for them. My problem really is with one page largely and that is http://www.kjsubz.com/karaoke-system-rental.html. 

How often does google spider sites, these days? And I have made many a request for indexing already. Going by the content I see showing up now in places where google ranked me, google has last indexed my site 3 days ago. The very first time I submitted for indexing, it did so within 24 hours (on a Friday).

Message 2 of 6

I'm not sure to be honest, but that's because Google is fairly opaque about search indexing practices (not surprisingly). If you submitted a Fetch-as-Google request I would think that should speed things up, although that's just a guess.

Message 2 of 6

Sometimes your ranking will be affected after you performed some substantial SEO changes: optimizing the internal links, working on keyword stuffing etc. While it's a temporary dunk, the ranking should be restored to the original placement within few days, and then improve with time. I don't think any of the changes you mentioned would result in your website plummeting to the bottom. Perhaps you didn't set up the domain redirect correctly? You do mention two different domain names in your post - could that be anything to blame?

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