
Home page looks horrible on mobile screens

Hello, I have been working long and hard to create a home page the conveyed exactly what I had in mind to promote for our medical office. It comes out horrible hacked up and text lines stacked up on oneanother and way too big. The theme I am using is "responisve" which I believe is supposed to convert the page to mobile friendly.

I compromised my original design to be more mobile friendly but now desktop and mobile home screen look disappointing.

I found a post that talked about the "column lock" app, which is keeping coumns in line on a smaller screen, but that is not appropriating the size of each element in a column to screen size. It depicts blocks next to each other alright but stretches them way thin and way high. 

Competitor's websites come up just as they look on a desktop monitor but smaller, how can I get that?

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Well there are many ways of doing that and one solution does not fit all.  Weebly auto 'responsivness' would work fine for users who need a quick way to display the site which does not have any customization.  And it does pretty good job at that.  However, when you deviate from the basic parameters things could fail e.g. have you installed some widget or plugin?  It is easy to find hundreds of cute little things that can be done in a website.  Weebly also makes it very easy to stick them in.  However, not all of them can exhibit responsive behavior.  As far as other websites coming up nicely, the designer could have spent fair amount of time creating the page.

It is generally, the designer's fault when things don't display on various devices. 

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Could you explain when one deviates from basic parameters, I did not add many things from the app section or use them besides the ones that are there by default "content color block" for example.

Any suggestions for: www.phoenixdpc.com ?

Thank you for your time.

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I did look at your site. The landing page looks fine on cell.

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