
I used to show up in Google (page 3) and now i don't?

I have had my Weebly website up and running for about 6 months now and I used to show up on page 3 of google for the keywords "Real Estate Tarragindi" but then i did something to my blog and now i'm not showing up in google at all. i changed my blog so that it has 6 different blog headings (6 blogs on the one website) and I'm wondering if this has something to do with why i'm not showing up in google?

Anyone experienced this before? I've asked support and they've said that they can't help with SEO, and kept pointing me to online help pages, but i can't seem to figure how how to fix it without changing my blog back to a one page one to see if that will work.

My website is www.realestatetarragindi.com

Any advice please?

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It's pretty hard to say what impacted a change in rankings; sometimes it's changes you made, sometimes Google just changes their algorithms and it results in a drop without you having done anything. Ultimately, you'll need to do the same things as anyone in terms of trying to get your ranking up: quality back links, valuable content, etc.

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