
Anyone having Browser compatibility issues?

Hi all...

As much as I love Weebly. I keep getting some really strange issues... and can't figure it out.

basically Weebly works great. then all of a sudden it locks up on me or doesn't seem to behave as normal... I think it's a browser issue, I mainly use Chrome... but when these issues seem to happen I will switch to Firefox... 

I've tried using different browsers for different periods of time and it seems i get these little issues regardless of browser.. the thing is, they don't always seem to be the same issue.. There is absolutely no pattern I can find to is..

does anyone else experience this? does anyone else have any tips..

P.S. I clear my browser cache regularly and use my laptop for very little other than building sites in Weebly, so it isn't clogged up with other cr*p.


Message 1 of 6

Hey @Kenny_Bunting!

Sorry to hear you're having some trouble.  It could be something on your site itself causing the issues you're running into. Do you have a lot of custom content in embed codes, or just a lot of content in general?

Message 2 of 6

Hi Adam

Thanks for replying.

I've noticed it on both sites with completely standard themes as well as sites using custom themes... 

The two that seem to happen the most often are... when rearranging pages. it will sort of stick, the little image depicting the page in the menu  (on the left bar) when dragged to a new location and dropped sticks there but isn't sitting in the right place (doesn't indent, the color doesn't change back so it still looks like the page is highlighted) then moving anything else around just doesn't work... for that a refresh normally does the job, and you can tell it hasn't committed as the change you made hasn't saved.

The other common issue is more like things are trying to catch up with me. it will be working fine then just have a meltdown after about 20-30 minutes. almost like it has just had enough... 

Regarding sites where I have a custom theme installed, it is the same... 

I'm almost certain its a local thing, but putting my finger on what I can't identify.. On another machine I can build in Firefox all day, but Chrome is really buggy... in my main PC Chrome is normally the better... i've compared versions, cleaned up the pc's done all the normal diagnostics, but still strange things happen..

Just to note, this really is only a minor thing for me. it isn't like it's happening every 10 minutes... but i have lost work before because of it...

Message 3 of 6

When I copy an element or when I add text to an element I get the spining wheel of loading death.

I'm on a mac running 10.10.5

My browser choices are

Firefox 56.0 (64-bit)

Chrome  61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)



Where I can I run adblock, poper blocker, disable html5. I clear history and cookies on exit.

Why is this happening?

Message 7 of 6

I just replied to your other post, @Spark1999.

Message 7 of 6

Why didn't you reply so all could see?

Message 7 of 6