
Best way to setup products with shipping variations

The business I work for recently changed over to weebly and redesigned the entire site we sell artwork framed and unframed and some of our products are limited quantity. I figured out that we don't have to list the products seperatly as we can sell them as either a customized or variation although neither fits the bill. Variation allows me to set the product price and the shipping prices however it won't allow me to set a quantity of say 10 prints split by the number ordered, example (2 buying framed, 8 buying unframed) and customization works for the inventory control however it has no option to change shipping weight than I can find unless I'm just missing the option entirely. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

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@bonze82 As you appreciate Weebly is fairly limited. Creating ecommerce sites involves DBase management systems to allow selection of options. Here the details you provide are sparse but appreciate the issue as I used Weebly for a local florist, who charged delivery. Setting up a "one" price for all worked, plus there were some alternatives for customer collection and same day/select a day. (Again, Weebly does not offer a delivery calendar in its offering, which is the "sine qua non" of online shopping) More fundamentally you rely on the user to select the right delivery option and pay for it.

You seem to need  several options to determine the cost, being framed and unframed, and delivery location. The combination of product type and destination will give you different costs to pay, and subsequently pass to the customer. 

In setting up I would have the option for each product to be framed or unframed, using the SKU box to create the options and the incremental price (for framed). You need this anyway for the order. But this box for any other charges, variations or increments you need (ex. size/weight)

In shipping - and again no real idea where you are going - set up (say) all US states with associated prices to each. That lets the user pick the stae they want it shipped to.If you keep it simple, with an average charge if possible, then that will work here.

Overall you have to keep it fairly simple. Although it would have been helpful to see the site so we know what is there already.

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