
Please get it together.

Okay so Ive been with you all for nearly a year, overall its been pretty well experience. However overall your **bleep**s getting old, and here is why.

Lately the backside of the shopping cart has been buggy as hell. Most of the time I just work through the issues and hope you all are doing something to fix the issue. However neither is the case and most of the times it seems IMPO the bugged and glitches get worse. Its like playing Skyrim, or fallout. You know it should work, but it doesnt and just **bleep**s on the whole game experience. Anyways here is my list of bitches that I really hope you all will atleast look into and fix, Ive even attached screen shots to show you all what I mean.

Lastly Ive been a E-eCommerce business for about a decade and you're the 3rd platform I have used so I am not speaking out my ass. I just want to see the site and shopping cart become better. I think that as a user and customer, that is important for all parties involved.

1. Sequential order numbers. Why this is not a thing, or who ever thought that a randomly generated lotto number was the best way to give customers an invoice number needs to be given a sock party (See Full Metal Jacket). (ORDER NUMBERS JPEG)

1A. Also half the time when looking up an order number comes back as "No Order Found" even though Im looking at the printed invoice, or getting my ass chewed by the customer who has the invoice I cannot find.

1B. I should able to set up that invoice or order number. As an example 00000001. Then every order afterwards would be 00000002, 00000003, 00000004, etc.

2. Pending orders, there was a time where all shipped orders would clear out of the pending order que, that is no longer the case. Now all orders, regardless of status sit in the pending que. I waste so much time in having to surf though shipped and pending orders in the pending orders que. (PENDING JPEG)

3. Setting up the a default shipping, Its nice that you have a drop down menu for the half dozen carriers. However I would like to simply have the ability to set a default shipping option, 90% of my shipments go USPS. I wouldnt get rid of the drop down menu you have, however just be able to set in the set up menu (Default shipment carrier). If I need to change it I can then use the provided drop down menus to do so.

4. Please add a comments section that I can use to reply back to my customers. They can leave me a comment, why can't I? I get thank you notes in the customer comments, it would be great to say, thank you in return. So when they get their invoice they can see I took the extra time to say thank you for the opportunity to serve and support you. (Comment Box JPEG)

5. I can't add extra shipping, meaning if my customer wanted a faster shipment service I cant provide that via the website. I have to take an order over the phone to give them the faster shipment option. As an example, the shipping rules do not allow for an "OVERNIGHT SHIPMENT OPTION". It would nice to have this ability.

Overall those are by far my biggest bitches and complaints. I hope maybe to see some if not all of these issues changed in the future. Overall you guys are a solid provider, just love to have that last 10% to be 100% in love with you all.

Message 1 of 4

@UNDR:  I am writing this just to understand the issue with order numbers.  Aren't all other e-traders like amazon have their own numbers even if you buy from their market place?

In case of weeby unless you have a business plan the checkout is through weebly.com.  In my mind this is similar to checking out on amazon with market place orders.

I agree with you on # 3. 

#4 I have never recceived any comminication from AMZn market place shops.  it is always through AMZN.  Perhaps their e-mail routing and even order tracking though their system is more robust.  But you do pay for that in terms of higher prices.  Here you have a hosting system that for less than $1/day lets you sell your stuff.

#5 again it comes down to the price you pay.  With AMZN they sell their own stuff so they have a very robust shipping mechanism.  Market place users are latching on to that system and I am sure they are paying for it.

Message 2 of 4

Amen on number 1. The order number make absolutely no sense! all it does is make my job harder trying to organized orders!!!
Message 3 of 4

"Ive even attached screen shots to show you all what I mean"

I am not seeing your screen shots. Can you please attach your screen shots? People upvote things more when there are visuals. I agree, weebly needs to fix their jackedup cart and address the other issues you brought up. 

Here is one of my screenshots of an ongoing cart bug that I reported over a month ago. This is what the cart looks like on my iphone when I get down to the payment section. The black next button is not programmed with the correct parameters so it is cropped and masked out underneath the frame. 


Message 4 of 4