
Weebly Quit Charging my customers taxes. Make sure your customers are being charged their sales tax

Mistakes happen but Weebly you need to make this right with your customers. I was going over my orders today and realized sales taxes all of the sudden were not being charged to my clients.  I just now caught it after a month of no taxes being charge. I feel sick. This is not okay and they need to do more to make up for this glitch. I don't think they realize how much this costs small businesses. This isn't something businesses owners should have to check, to make sure taxes are being applied. Isn't that the point of having an online store? Another reason for me look at other, smaller, more attentive, website providers who take care of their customers. 

And the representative I talked to made it seem like I am the only one this happened to. Not true. 

Message 1 of 12


No offense - but why on earth would you think that Weebly have any responsability to charge your customers sales tax?  As a "business owner" that's your job to make sure that your website is operating correctly and certainly more often than "once a month".

Sure - Weebly give you the tools but compliance with your state revenue laws is completely down to you and noone else...

Your daily reports that you run will show you your sales tax due right?

Not slamming you but you are the business owner not Weebly....

Good luck...

Message 13 of 12

I saw your post on Facebook as well as your other few posts here, @mackey. I'm not sure why your customers weren't charged sales tax, although it sounds like our support team is going to help you get everything set up properly.

I can say that I'm not aware of any problems affecting taxes for people, so whatever the cause was it was something fairly rare.

Message 13 of 12

I hope it get resolved as well. In regards to this statement:

"I can say that I'm not aware of any problems affecting taxes for people, so whatever the cause was it was something fairly rare."

-I've read a few discussions with other businesses owners experiencing the same trouble as me. It could be more if other owners haven't checked whether taxes are being charged for each order. Or possibly everyone who's experiencing this problem hasn't made a discussion board complaint about it. 

@Adam wrote:

I saw your post on Facebook as well as your other few posts here, @mackey. I'm not sure why your customers weren't charged sales tax, although it sounds like our support team is going to help you get everything set up properly.

I can say that I'm not aware of any problems affecting taxes for people, so whatever the cause was it was something fairly rare.

Message 13 of 12

No offense, yes as owners  we are ultimately responsible, but my site's check out taxes and shipping not being ladded to final bill.     All that was working prior today;  Recieved an order and the taxes and shipping were not added to purchase.  My question is why. all of sudden I am having this check out issue.  And in MHO Weebly does have a responsiblity concerning this issue.  

Currently on phone trying to get answers,  been waiting for 15min to get someone to answer their phone.  UUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message 13 of 12

Yes, we have the responsibility to charge our customers taxes, set-up taxes, etc. However, when I started Weebly a year ago they charged my customers taxes on all orders, as I expected. Great service.  I would have never thought all of a sudden this service would stop without any notification. That is my issue. 

If you find answers I'd like to know. 

Message 13 of 12

Were you able to get through, @afiggi? If not we also have live chat and email support in our Help Center:


I remember a few people having this issue in the past, although it turned out it was charging customers the correct amount (including shipping/tax) but wasn't reflecting that in Store > Orders or the email store owners received.

Message 13 of 12

Adam I am having the same problem being described by these  other folks. I don't see any solutions being given.

I am hoping that I have just overlooked something simple and there is really no problem with your companies product. It doesn't make any sense that sales tax is reflected but not applied when the customer is checking out.

Message 13 of 12

Hi @cgeffre What is the name of your store, a sample item not charging taxes, and the state you are shipping to? 

Message 13 of 12

My Weebly shopping cart on my Weebly website is doing just the opposite. My settings are all correct, but Weebly is adding a higher tax percentage than I have set for my site.

Message 13 of 12

What site are you having trouble with, @ForeverFeminist? I don't see any sites in the account tied to your Community profile.

Message 13 of 12

@NJRFTF wrote:


No offense - but why on earth would you think that Weebly have any responsability to charge your customers sales tax?  As a "business owner" that's your job to make sure that your website is operating correctly and certainly more often than "once a month".

Sure - Weebly give you the tools but compliance with your state revenue laws is completely down to you and noone else...

Your daily reports that you run will show you your sales tax due right?

Not slamming you but you are the business owner not Weebly....

Good luck...

I set-up taxes to be charged to my clients, when I set up my store a year ago, everything was running fine, until all of a sudden sales taxes were no longer being charged to my client's so yes I expect Weebly to continue to offer this service, that I pay for,  had in the beginning, and expect to be running smoothly.

If they were going to all of a sudden quit charging my customers taxes on their orders I should have been notified. Businesses owners pay for services in order to make our businesses run more efficiently and put less on our plate.  If you don't see this as a problem perhaps you aren't a business owner? 

This may be a "rarer" occasion but it's happened to other Weebly customers. -I'm not sure you understand the problem enough to make a comment....

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