Beta Member

How do i get sales

I haven't gotten any sales and I really would like my business to pick up so I can make more items to add to my shop

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Beta Member

Hi Kenzie18,


Note:  This was my reply from a previous post as it's a popular question and what works well for one business may not apply to another.   If there was a magic solution, well we would all be making tons of money.


Start with the basic social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flicker, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Google Places for Business and Yelp - the more you get your name out there the better and you can setup these accounts for free.


Simply having a web site does not mean instant sales but, the more ways someone can find you will certainly make a difference.  Creating a video about your business or blogging can be helpful.  Advertising in your local paper may promote sales too.   Cross selling via other sites like Etsy may increase interest even if you just list a few items. 


Another option is to spread the word via friends and family as word of mouth is very effective and free. 


Depending on your budget, online ads may drive sales however, it's a challenge to determine your ROI - personally, over the years we have spent quite a few dollars doing advertising however, we really don't think it was worth it as compared to word of mouth which costs nothing.



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