
Is automatic cancellation or automatic price increases, possible in a recurring invoice series?

I wish to create a series of recurring invoices for a non-profit organization, to help manage dues payments.  I understand how to create the series, add recipients, and how to set the due dates and reminders.  That part is easy.  However, this organization offers a discounted rate for members who join during an annual membership drive.  After a certain date, the discounted rate vanishes and they have to pay the higher dues rate.  Is there a way to automate the cancellation of unpaid dues invoices, or better yet, to have the rate adjusted?  

One possible solution may be to create a discount code/coupon that discounts their dues but the discount expires at some point and vanishes off their invoice.  That would also be a possible solution.  Can it be done?  

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Hi @WomenWhoWrite - Thanks for your post! At this time, there isn't a way to automate a pricing change in a recurring invoice series. However, you probably could set a reminder somewhere for yourself or the organization and edit the invoice to reflect that changed price when the deadline hits.


I'll pass on your feature request to the Invoice team. Thanks for sharing your use case in such detail!

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Thank you, Katieand, for your reply.  I have figured out one possible solution.  I created a Discount/Coupon that is valid during our Membership Renewal Drive month.  This allows me to create invoices for full fare dues and add the discount, which will expire if the invoice is not paid by the deadline.  

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