Beta Member

Is there an extention or longer cord for the Square Register Display Screen?

The cord provided is only 40 inches long.   I need a longer cord between the terminal and the register.  Can an adapter be used to add 2 cords together?   What do you recommend?  I need about 6 feet at least.   


Any ideas?  With No Social Distancing requirements 40 inches doesn't do it.

Message 1 of 20
Beta Member

I've been seeking one for over a month, and have not had any luck on my own, or with recommendations from Square. 


I know that this isn't a glamorous thing to offer in response to the pandemic, but it would be nice if it could make it on the list of valid customer requests. It's important to us in the trenches dealing with the public.

Message 2 of 20
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for flagging this over to us here on the Community, @glyph. I can definitely see how a longer display cord would be beneficial for most businesses, especially during the pandemic. While we don't have an accurate timeline or news to share in regards to this offering, I am happy to pass it over to our Register Product Team for visibility. 


Should anything come down the pipeline, we will vocalize it here heavily. Thanks, again! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 20
Beta Member

Can we get an update on the longer cord @Joe? I signed up for the new longer cord for Square register (but got no confirmation) after randomly finding out about it on the forum. Neither thread on the subject that I subscribed to was ever updated about it, so I could have easily missed it. I've tried to find the original post that had the new cord offer and am not able to locate it. I am reopening soon, and would love an update so I can plan accordingly. Is there any timeline you can offer for their availability?

Message 4 of 20
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @glyph - thanks for reaching out. We don't have a shareable timeline or update on this feature just yet. When we do, everyone here on this thread will be notified. While there is no formal confirmation process, our Community Managers do an excellent job of reaching back out to Sellers once requested features become available.


Thanks for your patience!

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 5 of 20

Hello, I was also looking for a longer cord for the customer display and found this(see pic below) and placed an order today. So if you didn’t find anything yet, goahead and order this! It’s FREE!! I also placed an order a male to female micro usb extension from amazon to make it even longer. Well anyway, good luck to you!103BBD69-6CDD-4802-9E8A-859429E576B9.png


Message 6 of 20

Did this work with the extension? I too have been looking everywhere if it is even possible to have it at least 25 foot away from the actual register... Please Help😢😢😢

Message 7 of 20
Beta Member

@Chrisk1030, did you get your longer cord to connect the user terminal to your Square Register, as expected? I'm really frustrated as I signed up for one via a different program many months ago, and the official line on these seems to be that they still don't exist.

Message 8 of 20
Beta Member

Is there something special about the cable supplied by square? i had asked before and was told that it's just a micro usb male to micro usb male so an extension like this one should work, in theory...



Message 9 of 20
Beta Member

The cord from square has a right angle connector at both ends. It is a compact shape that I have been unable to find from any other source. The cord in your photo will stick out the bottom of both devices and not work.


At this point, I'm just waiting on Square to come through with the promised longer cord that they announced a couple of months ago.

Message 10 of 20
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @glyph 👋 Thanks for checking in on this thread. You are spot on here - the right angle connector will be the differentiating factor here for this cord. 


We will continue to push out updates here as we have them. Thanks for your patience! 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 11 of 20

Would the Right angle 90° little adapters work on a straight cable?  


Like would this adapter work with an extension?

Message 12 of 20
Beta Member

Hi any luck on a longer cable?

Message 13 of 20

Does this work and have you tired it? I’m looking to extend the display at least 25 foot away from the register 

Message 14 of 20
Beta Member

You need a male up angle connector at both ends, so you might be able to cobble something together with these cords, but it looks like the connector is much thicker plastic than the Square cord, so I suspect that it would hang below the socket, requiring some sort of solution to level the units.


What's the rush, though? Square has only been working on a first party solution to a longer cord for 6 months. 😐

Message 15 of 20

Any updates with this? I'm looking for a 6ft extension

Message 16 of 20
Beta Member

Is there any way to connect to 6feet cords together?

Message 17 of 20

Note that the register cable uses 5 conductors compared to the 4 normally used by Micro-B USB cables, so just getting a normal USB extension cable might not work even if you get the ends right. 


I was able to make a 10' cable to go between the Square register and customer terminal by splicing a segment of CAT5 ethernet cable between the two ends of an existing square register cable. 




You will need to do some fiddly soldering, but otherwise the job is straightforward. Cut the Square cable in half, peel back the shielding, separate out and strip all the wires, try to isolate the metal conductors from the stress relief fiber that is also inside each wire, similarly prepare two ends of the best ethernet cable you can find, solder everything up with heat shrink or something else suitable for insulation. 




It does not matter which colors you use in the ethernet cable as long as you are consistent. It is probably a good idea to connect the Square green and white to the same pair in the ethernet cable (I used green and green/white) since these are likely the data wires. 


Also note that the red and black wires in the Square cable seem to be a little thicker than the others so likely are carrying power to the terminal. With this in mind, I connected each to a pair of ethernet conductors to lower the voltage drop along the loner cable.  (I ran out of clear heat shrink on one end, so that is why this other end has green tubing)



I did not use shielded ethernet because I did not have any, but if you are planning ahead it would probably be better. Try to make the shielding as seamless as possible along the full length of the new extended cable by overlapping the shields at each joint.  That said, my 10' seems to work fine with no shielding at all, but there might be problems if you have electrical noise near the wire from motors,  radio transmitters, etc. 



Hopefully Square will use a more standard cable type (USB-C male-to-male would be nice) on the next iteration, but in the meantime this is a solution that does work, albeit with a significant investment of time (took me a little under an hour). 

Message 18 of 20

Could you provide a wire connection by color. I saw how the black and red are connected, but I am not sure about the others.

I not too good at this but I need a sixteen foot cable.

It would be greatly appreciated.

Message 19 of 20

Im trying to create a 16 foot cable. I followed your example. The display powers up but no info is diplayed. Can you help?

Message 20 of 20