
Is this email a scam?

I recieved this email:


Hello, User
This email is to verify you requested a change of Business name associated with your Square account. Your request has been submitted and will be processed in two working days.
If you never made this request, you can cancel this request now. (as it's the sole purpose of this notification)  otherwise no action is required.
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The Square Team
Square Secure is here to help protect you so you can focus on running your business. Click here to find out more.
Message 1 of 3
Super Seller Alumni

Did you change the name of your business or other account information in your Square account?  If not, I would log into your account and change the password and check your information.  If you did then that is what this email is telling you and you can just delete it.

Message 2 of 3

Hello @stickdog, I can confirm this is a phishing email. If you change your business name we won't send you an email to confirm it. Do not click on any of the links in the email. I've removed the links from your post so no one clicks on them, and they directed to domain names we don't own. A good rule of thumb is to always check who the sender is. 


If you have entered information on any of these pages please reach out to our Support Team. If you still have the email please forward it to Spoof@Squareup.com so our Account Security Team can try and stop these emails. 


If you have any other questions please let me know!  😀

Message 3 of 3