
Loss Prevention: Does anyone have ways to better method for cash drawer control?

I’ve been using Sq for about a year now and it’s great! It’s easy to use and cost effective on credit card fees for a small business.  About a year ago, I hired a new cashier, trained him, showed him all the products we sell and I trusted him to help me run my business.  Well after about 6 month after I hired him, my sales were going down.  I was puzzled, customers seem to come everyday, inventory purchase was about the same, and I got a lot of complements how great the new cashier was from my customers. 


One day I decided to review my security camera and found out what he was doing…

I read and studied all the Sq functions and I thought I was proficient with the equipment, but boy was I wrong. There is a flaw in the system and this is how it’s done.  Open the register or cash box, keeping it open, ring up items that are sold, total for item sold will appear, give change back to customer, and push clear.  Once that is done there is no records of sales.  Later when you close you’re register, total up sales you’ve made and keep the money.


My old register (old school type) it would not let you ring up items when the register cash box is opened. Once it opens you have to close the register cash box for the next transaction to happen.  Sq and the other hand will let you do what ever while the register cash box is open. 


Please comment and give me some ideas. Would love to hear from you.  I have a deli and I am planning to open more, but if Sq system has a flaw in the system, than I must look elsewhere to improve the system from this happening.  I do not have time to look over security camera all the time.      

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Thank you for bringing this up!

Message 2 of 3
Super Seller

The iPad and Square app don't have two way communication with the cash drawer. When the sale is complete the drawer is triggered by the receipt printer. Most POS systems work this way. We used Shopkeep for 4 years and it worked the same way.


Even "if" the drawer was required to be closed a thief will find a way. Example: Order is 3 sandwiches, get the total, take customers cash, clear out, ring in 1 sandwich, give back change as if the customer paid for the 3. That just one example. Unfortunatlly as business owners when dealing with cash this is something we have to watch no matter what type of system we use.


You can also sort your transactions by Payment Methods "Cash" in the Dashboard. Look to see if have any longer periods of no transactions. You have ways and tools of fighting back, it just takes a little work.

Message 3 of 3