
Square Capital

Just wanted to say how great Square Capital is. We just started our 10th plan with Capital and it was quick and easy. Thank you so much for helping us build our business

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Message 1 of 21

@aftwcedarkey - Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! I love hearing about how Square Capital has helped our sellers grow their businesses! I'll be sure to share your thoughts with our Capital Team. 😀

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 2 of 21

Hi 👋🏼 

can you please look into my account and let me know when I will get the square capital email offer 🙂 we are doing great in our business but want to get some new plotter machines that's will make our business even better $

I was offered a capital loan like 1 month ago but I never saw the email and it's no longer there 😞 the amount was for [Personal Information Redacted] 

thank you for your time and hope to hear from you. 🙂

Message 3 of 21

Hi @Maricela


Good to hear from you!

In general, offers are based on your processing volume and may change if something changes with your business. However, we'd like to look into it in detail! Due to the sensitive nature of your account, we'll reach out to you via email by the end of the day with more information.


Glad to hear that your business is doing well--looking forward to chatting soon and watching your business grow! 

Message 4 of 21

I had a similar issue. Was presented with two different capital offers within days of each other. When I accepted offer it disappeared and I got a couple generic email responses but nothing specific. I had paid off original capital loan via auto repayment in under the allowed time frame and had increased business in the meantime. I'm still baffled.


Could really use the capital to expand. Had planned on it actually. I did learn that originally they didn't have EIN on file. Ever. Corrected that and still nothing. Extremely discouraging. Especially to continually read - "just keep processing" well of course- but for how long? When do we make the jump to another service. There are many out there. A large part of the appeal is having history with square. That history is useless to me if we cannot benefit from it. To hear that "you may become eligible soon" is not enough of an answer. I'm sorry. Small business is difficult enough on its own. This is a loan on future receivables. History should be enough. Really disappointed. 

Message 5 of 21

Hi @arpel249!


It is definitely odd for a Capital offer to 'disappear.' 


We've taken a look at your account, and due to the sensitive information, we will send you an email. We will reach out to you within the hour. 

Message 6 of 21

I had this problem as well.  I had three offers in my dashboard till just the other day when I checked they were no longer there.  

Message 7 of 21

Hi @thetwirlgirl,


Thanks for writing in! Please note that all Square Capital offers are subject to expire at any time. Rest assured, that we continually review accounts and notify Merchants directly if eligibility changes. 

Message 8 of 21

I am to the point were I'm not being hear, and Square Capital has reached the point like Car2go, Airbnb, Amazon, etc.....where "We the people" are just shuffled around blindly like a heard of cattle and I'm over it!  


Listen I opened up this business in 2002, I have been using Square EXCLUSIVELY for all my ecommerce business.   You approved me for my initial loan no questions asked.   Currently is 85% paid off, with a balance of about [Personal Information Redacted] remaining.   I get a second loan offered to me and then 15 min later denied.   Like others on here, I am a one man show, been dealing with the growing pains of Square's platform built for restaraunts and not Clothing, Apparel or Sporting Goods during this entire time!   How hard is it to add attributes to items?   The labor intensive energy needed to add each Shirt, Pant, Shoe is ridiculous!  I have to add each color as its own item because you only have Sizes as an option.   Then the store hours have to be manipulated because people can't place on line orders for custom tshirts or any item when the store is closed?    Why is this even happening?   We use ecommerce so that when we wake up in the morning we have sales already waiting for us.   BUT..... not square.   if our store closes at 4 pm, people should still be able to place on line orders for items in stock in our inventory, thats the whole purpose of having an online store.   I can understand Restraunts not having this but "others" should. 


Then to offer me a Second Capital Loan and read all these other stories and complaints on here that it happening to more than just myself and to send out blanket disclaimers about "keep process" and "don't be discouraged, you will be offered one again in the future"  That is absolutely a slap in the face!    You see all of our orders, you make an offer and NO ONE will give you a straight answer!   Why offer someone a loan then?   What the heck changed in the 15 seconds of the offer to the denial?   Even when the account was cleared and you process the payment and took your portion of the payment, I should have been cleared of any misunderstanding, but instead i get a message on here stating someone was going to get ahold of me within the hour.  NEVER HAPPENED!   I got a email from some clerical staff member, WHEN I ASKED FOR A MANAGER OR SUPERVISOR to call me back not email me a disclaimer with no details just shows a lack of respect and in this business I don't care who you are,  You have no problem taking our money but can't pick up the phone to call you, can't get straight answers from anyone and others will ketch on .  I'm over it!   I have called and called and called and emailed and emailed and NO ONE will take responsibility and get back to me!  SHAME ON YOU!

Message 9 of 21

Square doesn't care about loyalty, you won't get offers, they won't answer you. I'm going to PayPal. They have PayPal capital and good customer service.

Message 10 of 21

This is almost comical.   So I just received my 3rd Square Capital Loan, I of course apply for it , which was [Personal Information Redacted] and they pay off my current balance of [Personal Information Redacted] which is great.    Then i get the disclaimer, "IF you are approved it will be deposited in to your account the next day .    Wait for it, wait for it, and then ***BAM*** out of now where i get a message in my dashboard.  


Who is asking trying to confirm?Who is asking trying to confirm?

In the back of my mind i'm thinking ...... "I am logged into my account on Square, I have been using them exclusively for about 10 years and I already have received and almost paid off my initial Capital Loan.   Why or Who is asking me to verify my  account?   and what do tehy need from me that they don't already have?  


So I click on the button "Verify Account"  and this is what comes up.........


[Personal Information Redacted]


The [Personal Information Redacted], so this was on there when they approved my initial square Capital Loan, and also on my 2nd offer, and now the third offer they are asking for me to send them documentation showing its paid in full?    Talk about pulling strings and skeletons out.    I am shocked that a company that doesn't report the loan(s) they offer to the credit bureaus but they use the credit reports from those SAME bureaus as they see fit.   


It just so happens that the outstanding Lien is from the BOE and involves Dates from 2006 - 2007 on my old Resale Certificate that i had a Joint Partnershp with.    My then business partner never filed the monthly taxes for 7 months in 2006 so the BOE assessed our taxes on our Initial Year in Business and then charged us Interested and late penalties based on those initial years in business.   


I finally got access to these files and and filed the "CORRECT" monthly Taxes which were MUCH MUCH MUCH lower than the ASSESSED amount and the Lien is now or should be gone.   


Again, not seeing what that has to do with the data used through square capital when offering the 3rd loan to me?   I just feel like this is just a scam!   I thought the Square Capital Loans were offered to us for the number of transactions along with the amount of each of those in a set amount of time.   Why out of no where , are you asking me to verify my account and when i click on it, asking me to show proof of payment on this outstanding lien that has been on my credit report this entire time?


Does this mean that you are now going to reject my loan offer now ?    I pray that this is going to blow over and that you allow the loan to go thrugh so i can move forward in expanding my business and this loan is soooo greatly needed right now. 

Message 11 of 21

Hi There! Just wanted to fill you in on the above. A couple months ago this happened to me...I was elated as I could of used the capital for my small business..never the less ...it was a glitch in the system "keep doing what you are doing" and poof gone!  I beleive it  happened to many  on this forum. Just hate to see people get their hopes up and be disapointed without an answer.  Best of luck! 

Message 12 of 21

I got a square capital loan 5 months ago and have not used it nor do I even know how to. Can you please if u can tell what this is used for or how to access this money . I have been paying it back but have no knowledge of how to use it. 

Please help.

Message 13 of 21



Thanks for writing in! That definitely sounds a little odd--Square Capital deposits are only made with a seller decides to accept the Capital. 


We are are currently looking into your account and will reach out to you by the end of day via email due to the sensitive nature of your information. 

Message 14 of 21

I received an acceptance email for my application.  Showing to be sent 12/31/69.  What does that mean?

Message 15 of 21

Hi @Sndcmpbl,


I am not quite sure I understand your question. Please don't hesitate to write back in if you're still having questions regarding your Capital plan. 

Message 16 of 21

Unfair.. We were just about complete with our loan and we were offered another. We depend on this to augment our fleet fort the upcoming season. The message said I was denied because of [Personal Information Redacted] I am currently repaying a loan flawlessly and even made extra payments. I would like to point out the [Personal Information Redacted] came from the same person as they and myself were victims of fraud. We all worked together and they party paid us by check. This documentation was set to Square some time ago when requested and was clearly not our fault as stated by the client. Another one was a simple double bill wich we took care of for our repeat client.(This has happened in the past when the Square app has crashed) There was another where a client took multiple trips with us and lost track of their billing. Again we were able to help the client and fix the issue. I have documentation on all these issues that almost all were not our fault. We can account for every issue and their action.

NONE of these issues are for poor service it, it came down to a person frauding myself and a client, and some billing errors on booking agent who lost track of her itineraries.

I think it's very unfair that my business is being hurt by others fraud and errors. We run a very good Black Hat operation and process quite a bit. I think the error ratio is very low in comparison to our volume. Prom season is around the corner and we were depending on this capital to acquire more equipment to augment or fleet to increase or revenue stream.

Please Help and any thoughts?



Message 17 of 21

Hello there,


I would like to ask if square is still landing capital. Business is solid, I had 3 loans in 2 years. the third (last one) is almost paid (85%), could someone check on my account?


Thank you!

Message 18 of 21

They will probly offer a loan, then deny you that seems to be the norm now. They are not like they used to be.

Message 19 of 21
Square Community Moderator

@David229 Once you're near completion of your current loan, your account is automatically reviewed for an additional offer. 


Capital offers depend on multiple factors, so we're not able to give exact timelines on if/when the offer will appear for you. 


Additionally, we're not able to discuss account specifics within the Seller Community, as it's a public forum, so if you want some clarification on your Capital status, reach out to us directly via email.  

Message 20 of 21

I got and email that said I qualified for Square Capital the terms seemed fair so I proceeded however later I got a email that said the account holder had a lien so the could not process the loan. I've searched and had my attorney search and we cannot find this lien....any help would be appreciated

Message 21 of 21