
Seller Community Feature Requests

Where can I post a feature request for the "Seller Community" forum/site itself? Not for Square products. 


I would like to request two features to the Seller Community forum:


1) The option to search within the board/discussion that I am already viewing versus searching every board and discussion. For example, I am currently in "CANADA SELLER COMMUNITY > ABOUT THE SELLER COMMUNITY > HOW TO USE THE COMMUNITY..."


I want the option to search inside "HOW TO USE THE COMMUNITY" discussions only, and not go out to other discussions. The default can be "Search All Discussions" or I can change to "Search Current Discussion/Thread Only"


2) When I search this board/forum with keywords, the results come back and my only sorting options are "ALL", "BEST ANSWER", "HELP ARTICLES" and "OPEN DISCUSSIONS". There is no option to sort the search results by DATE (NEWEST- OLDEST). 


I cannot easily view recent discussions about issues that users are experiencing after a Square update. I want to see what other users are posting/replying to related to recent software updates, fee increases/changes or new features based on my keyword search.


I'm sure that someone else has already asked for these features but I cannot find the posts.


Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

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Thanks for the suggestions, @PURPLEPENGUINCA - both very solid and core functions for good search, in my opinion. I don't currently have that in the roadmap for the community but I'll see if I can squeeze them in somewhere.

Seller Community, Platform
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