
Bulk set items to enable showing in section? Or at least set all items to Shipping?

Hello oh-smart people! 🙂


Our store has a LOT of items (over 600), and we get inventory updates every quarter, so there is a fair amount of turnover in inventory items every quarter (about 150 items change each quarter). Is there a way to automatically enable all items to be shown in a particular store page section?


For example, when setting up a section for red toys, I go into the Store Editor, move to the "red toys" section, and then click on the "add or import" items link. Then I select all red toys (via a search) from my "import from library" list, and one-by-one, go down to enable each one. It's a seemingly endless click-scroll-click activity.


Ideally, I'd like to just select all of them showing on the screen, enable them to be shown in that section, and enable them to use Shipping as a fulfillment method. Right now I have to go down the page for EVERY item and first enable it, then check the Shipping box, then go to the next item. For 600+ items, it can take hours for me to do that. Literally about 3-4 clicks per item.

At the very minimum, is there a way to pre-set ALL inventory items in my library to be set for Shipping? At least that will save me a ton of clicks right there.


I seem to remember that the old UI had a way to bulk select Shipping for all items.


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Surely SOMEONE has asked this same question, no? Any other large inventory stores out there? Does anyone else find it annoying to go through these steps?


Even if the answer is "no, that's just what you have to do now," at least I'll have a closure. I'd appreciate any and all input on this question.





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Square Community Moderator

Hi Bruce.


Great post, and I'm sorry you've had to go through the endless clicking. Sounds like a daunting task given your size of inventory. 


Unfortunately there isn't a bulk import or "select all" feature within the Online Store Editor. 


While the Square Online Store is a great option for most businesses, an Item Library and Inventory of your size might benefit more by using one of our Integrated eCommerce partners that have a mass import feature. 


Check out this recent thread that we've posted, as it has good information on the eCommerce options that are available:

Launching an online store? You’ve got options with Square!

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Thanks EJ. I was afraid that might be the case, but just wanted it confirmed. I'll check the link you've provided.

Thanks! -- Bruce


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