
How can I enter past payments not made by credit/debit for reporting?

I would like to enter past payments not made by credit/debit card (ex/ check, cash) so they show up on their origination date in my reports. Is this possible?

Message 1 of 6

Hi @KQ - I moved your message to a separate thread since your question has to do with reporting. 


Currently, there isn't a way to add previous transactions for reporting purposes. I'll send your request to our team, but I'd love to hear more about your use case. This really helps them understand how you would envision the feature.  

Message 2 of 6

Thank you, katieand. My apologies for originally posting in the wrong section.


I am acupuncturist in a private practice and having been using Square since 2013 for credit/debit card processing only. Cash and check payments were recorded in a different location. This year I am trying to record any payment type in Square so I can see all practice income in one place.


I would like to add previous payments to my history so they appear on the day made, resulting in more accurate reports. Given scheduling conflicts, I am not always able to enter cash and check payments same day. I tried to create an invoice after the fact to get around this, but to no avail.


I hope this clarifies my request. Feel free to ask more questions. Thank you for your time.


- KQ

Message 3 of 6

Thanks for sharing @KQ! Unfortunately, this isn't something point of sale supports yet. I understand how it would be a great help, so I'll pass this feedback to our team who works on point of sale features. 

Message 4 of 6

I run a dog kennel and have a similar situation. My scheduling software doesnt reporting robust enough or the interface to move transaction data to software easily, so I am thinking about starting with Square POS for cash and check transactions in addition to card processing. I would need reporting and accounting software integration. Ideally, I'd love to have integration with my kennel management software but thats a pipe dream.



Message 5 of 6

I also posted the following on the same exact question/issue that was posted in another thread.

Please consider this another plea and vote for Square to consider making this possible during a future update? 


Yes... We all recognize that Square is POS service and therefore that it documents sales as such, with a time/date stamp.  Allowing other previous sales/transactions to be recorded in some way (even if it were differentiated from the POS ones) would be extremely helpful for many of us I imagine, and would make the reporting features that much more useful and meaningful. 


I'm sure that I'm not alone when it comes to wanting everything wrapped into one nicely packaged service (ie. scheduling, payments, invoicing, financial reporting/analytics, etc).  The fact that past transactions are unable to be recorded/reported rules out Square as an option for this. Which is REALLY too bad, because everything else seems quite perfect. 


But I'm not going to use Square (including the schedule), for only future appointments, including transactions, invoicing, and everything else while having to use an entirely different method or service for those that took place in the past.  My hopes were up and were high.  But I'm guessing that I'll have to switch to Wave, Zoho, QuickBooks or something else, with a separate scheduler.  

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