
Loyalty program - How are stars accumulated?



I have a question with the Loyalty Rewards system. I own a hair salon, and there has been a few occations that customers have not received the stars they felt they should get. I do not know how to address this, because I do not know how square totals these points.


Our system is set up, that every $100 spent earns a star. 5 stars earns a $25 off reward.


1. I notice that every service amount is applied towards star points, however... Does products sold count towards star points too?


2. Does tip count towards star points?


3. Does the system save totals to roll over to the next sale? Example: Total tab of $210. Does that $10 roll over to the next service or is it forfeited? 


In addition, I am also wondering if there is a way to see, on the dashboard, a monthly break down of...

date, customer name, accumulated stars, accumulated rewards (past redeemed and not yet redeemed), when rewards will expire.



Message 1 of 2
Super Seller Alumni

Loyalty looks at the subtotal only,  Not tax or tip.  So if your subtotal is over $100 they will recieve a reward.  There is no rollover.  It looks at the current sale only.  You can view some information in the loyalty dashboard, but looking at the customer directly gives you more information.

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