
Square Payroll: How do I change my TWC number?

The title of this thread was updated from its original title: “Change my TWC number”


I couldn't enroll for a TWC number when I first signed up because I hadn't had a pay period so I put my FEIN number in that spot instead and it still let me sign up. Now I can't figure out how I can go in and put my correct TWC number in there instead of my FEIN number.

I REALLY hope I don't have to go in and cancel that account and set up a new payroll account because I'll have to re-enter all of my employee's time cards. 😞


I also need to run payroll today so I'm hoping to get an answer today if possible (11/19/2017)



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@hiveaustin you can just send your number to the payroll team via email or call them.  I went through the same thing, in fact it took several phone calls and a manager to finally figure out that yo have to enter a bogus number to get the enrollment done becuase you do not get a number until you have a first payroll run.


The TWC number will be populated by the payroll team.  In fact, if you wait long enough they will actually contact you to get the number so they can do the reporting.


Since payroll is due today, and square payroll is not open until Monday (why I don't know), I would go ahead and do your payroll so you don't miss the deadline.

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Wonderful! That's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank goodness I don't have to re-enter everything, I will run payroll now and get everything straight tomorrow. Thanks again for the detailed reply!

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