
Square for Retail: Inventory re order list print out

Hello, I am trying to print out a re order list for my inventory as I have put a alert when I reach 1 unit left in stock it would notify me when to order more and how many to re order, I am receiving the alerts but I cant see where to print out that page of how many to re order. Can anyone help me out please ? Thanks in advance!

Message 1 of 6

@samVR At this time there isn't a way to print a report of each item that it low in stock. You can view a list of every item that's low stock/out of stock from the Inventory Managment section of your Dashboard, but there isn't a way to export that informaiton to print yet.


This is something the Retail Team is actively working to improve. We'll share updates as soon as we have them. I appreciate your patience in the meantime.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 2 of 6

what about now?  I am paying $60 a month ONLY for the hope that I could actually use the system for inventory management as it states it does in all the videos and sales pitches that is shown, but I guess it is for your eyes only, nothing you can really work with.  I thought there was supposed to be the ability to do PO ordering as well, but not seeing that.  I am also concerned about the ability to even do inventory counts.  Sure, I can do them right into the app, but is there an exceptions report that I can see any discrepancies so I know I need to go back to verify counts.  I am at a complete loss how this system remotely lacks this ability as it would be a great asset for small businesses.  Right now I am trying to decide if I want to risk using a supported app, build my own or just change providers all together.  This was a HUGE selling point for me and I just feel really let down.  

Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hello @Tahafisaka 


I surely understand your frustration with this missing feature. Have you ever filed a Feature Request?


If not,+ I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request.


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 6
Square Champion

Square tracks inventory for the Point Of Sale systems and to do a purchase order through Square for Retail you can go here in your Dashboard:  dashboard/items/inventory/purchase-orders 


As for getting a report that just shows low or out of stock items, that is not possible with Square as of now.  You can export your Items as a Spreadsheet and then sort the spreadsheet by item quantity (Low to High) to see what you may need to order.  You can do this with the Free version of Square for Retail also.  

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Message 5 of 6

Thank You.  I know most things I can do without needing the Paid version, but I was hoping this version would give me more options.  At the moment, the only thing I believe I use for the paid version is the ability to put in the cost of items, which I do not understand why that would need the paid version.  There are actually several things I think would be useful I just do not know how much this would get put into the application.  It seems this has been out for a long time now, but not many additions have been done.


As for purchase orders, I am not seeing how I can click on Create Purchase order, and they have it add in all the items I am either out of stock or have a low stock alert on.  It appears I need to either export, then manually manipulate then import into the purchase order, manually type in each item, or slowly and painfully go back and forth from the items screen to add each item on the list to the PO.

Message 6 of 6