
Why are sales not showing up in my activity?

I had an event last night with multiple charges made yet only one is showing in my register. I need to be able to account for tickets and auction items sold, where are they, what happened to them? Each sale appeared to be successful and brought us back to the new sale screen, so where are the sales???

Message 1 of 44
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Sorry to hear about the trouble seeing your activity! Your sales should appear in the Transaction section of the Square app right after you take them.


You can search for a transaction from the app and you can also confirm successful transactions from your online Sales Summary


I can't look into account specific issues here in the Community, as it's a public forum, so if you still need a hand locating your transactions, please contact our Support team.

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Message 2 of 44

Best Answer

Sorry to hear about the trouble seeing your activity! Your sales should appear in the Transaction section of the Square app right after you take them.


You can search for a transaction from the app and you can also confirm successful transactions from your online Sales Summary


I can't look into account specific issues here in the Community, as it's a public forum, so if you still need a hand locating your transactions, please contact our Support team.

Message 2 of 44

I've been a Square customer for 1 year now.  I love this system - however, recently in the past 30 days I've had 4 separate occassions where there is missing transaction activity.  It does appear under reports, but not in transactions or the end drawer report.  I just looked this up and noticed this string from a couple years ago.  Is this a new issue again?

Message 3 of 44

Hey there @HelloVino, thanks for surfacing this and sorry to hear about the trouble you've been encountering with the transaction activity. I went to check on this and it sounds like you might be encountering an issue that some other sellers brought up in this thread: My Sales Report Cash and Drawer Report Cash are not matching up. Have a look at Sean's reply and let us know if that helps clear things up for now.


If this isn't quite what you're experiencing, please let me know and I'll be happy to take another look. In addition, you can touch base with our Customer Success Team if you'd like them to review any specifics.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 4 of 44
Beta Member

I've had the same issue for the last several months.  I have been working with square support but not getting much response.  "The engineering team is looking into the issue"  Meanwhile, I lose transactions nightly and have been having to manually track tickets for restaurant orders.

Message 5 of 44

Sorry to hear it, @AmLegion708. Thanks for letting me know. I'll let the appropriate team members know that you reached out and check if there are any other developments that are available. Please keep an eye on the email inbox that's tied to your account for updates.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 6 of 44

Checking back in here really quickly: I do see that you have an open case and our Engineering Team is still actively looking into this issue. Apologies for the frustration and the wait.😕 They'll reach out with an update as soon as possible.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 7 of 44

This company is really frustrating!

Message 8 of 44

Same here.... transactions aren’t all showing up... but they show up in reports. I still get my money, but it’s annoying 😡

Message 9 of 44

@ManCave wrote:

Same here.... transactions aren’t all showing up... but they show up in reports. I still get my money, but it’s annoying 😡

@ManCave wrote:

Same here.... transactions aren’t all showing up... but they show up in reports. I still get my money, but it’s annoying 😡

Did you ever find a solution?

Message 10 of 44
Square Community Moderator

Have you tried reaching out to the support team about this, @mavra? We have limited access to accounts through this page, but a support rep will be able to view the account with you. 

Message 11 of 44

I have problems too. After each transaction. I look in the transaction history to make sure it took. When i get home. Those transactions are gone! No history of them anywhere! I have offline mode on. I work at farmers markets. There's no wifi. This has happened about 4 times in the last 5 yrs. Disappointing. Last time it happened was a week ago. So now, I'm forced to write down the amount and time of each transaction. I don't have time to do this. It gets very busy. I'll just have to do screen shots. Sucks. It's an obvious problem square needs to fix. I've lost several hundred dollars because of this. Looking into using another vendor other than square.

Message 12 of 44
Square Community Moderator

@Fixit1 That definitely sounds really frustrating. I would recommend using a personal hotspot to accept payments, in possible. We would never delete transactions or lose them. The only way this would happen is if you did not upload your offline mode payments in time (72 hours). You can also lose money in offline mode payments if the credit card is declined after the transactions are uploaded, but that information would show in your Transaction Status report on the Square Dashboard.


When you use Offline Mode, we can’t check the validity of the card until your phone or tablet regains an internet connection because we don’t have an active connection to the customer’s bank. We can only know if the payment was successful once the payment has been uploaded.

While I wish we could attempt to process the payment again, this isn’t possible since it’s against network regulations. I understand this can be frustrating, and I appreciate your understanding.


When operating in Offline Mode, there is additional risk with any payments you accept. 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 13 of 44

Thanks for that reply. First honest answer I've heard. No one at square has ever told me that. Square assured me that if it's in the transaction history. It has been taken. Square has also told me that i have to check every transaction and to write it all down. Date, time and amount now, but it sounds like thats not the case at all. 

Thank you for clearing this up. Appreciate it. 

Message 14 of 44

I had the same problem today , made some sales like I always do on square and , no activity listed , been using square for years , never had this problem and if they don't make it rite , I will not use square ever again .

Message 15 of 44
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Alan_hayes


Have you checked you Transaction report in your Square Dashboard?


As Spenser mentioned previously, we can’t address your account specific issues here in the community, as it’s a public forum. 
Reach out to our Support Team and they can help you try and locate the payments. 

Message 16 of 44

Like I said to begin with, I've been using square for YEARS , and I am fully aware of how check my transactions, and they did not show up in my activity log , nor did I get any confirmation emails for my sales yesterday, square has dropped the ball on this one.

Message 17 of 44
Square Community Moderator

@Alan_hayes Reach out to Support and they can take care of you. Also, besides the Transactions Tab, usually the Transaction Status page has some information that can help as well. 

Message 18 of 44

I contacted support and all they want to do is argue with me and say that it's not their fault and that its on my end . The Sale was processed and finalized and yet it's my fault. Square dose not hold responsible for anything, I am going to blog and share this with everyone and I'm going report it to the BBB , they are sure to get their 3% but when they lose my money it's my fault . 

Message 19 of 44

I've had this problem happen at our shop now on at least 5 occasions. Square admitted in May they were having an issue, on one day, however they are denying that the issue still exists. I'd like to talk with you further as Square has taken no responsibility even when they admit transactions have gone missing and they cannot find them. 

Message 20 of 44

I was told the same thing. I will probably stop using it. Doesn't pay if i have to have internet at farmers markets. Lol

Message 21 of 44