Beta Member

48% paid back on my 7th loan. Anyone get a offer this early?

They usually come between 70% and 80% but wondered if earlier ever happened to anyone? 

Have a great day everyone! 

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Square Champion

Hey @maryanngregg.  I would not bet on it at all, I’m sorry to have to say.  Right now, I’ve seen too many people saying that they are waiting until their high 80% and 90% to see a new offer, and I’ve also seen more than a few who are paying off their existing loan and then waiting for weeks.  The lending market is tight all over, and Square is no exception.  Lenders are being very conservative about how much risk they are willing to take.


Also, to answer your question, I’ve seen it happen but only for sellers who are paying off their loans consistently in a few months rather than in the 12-18 month range.  But, that’s pretty rare even in normal circumstances, which is not where we are right now.


Sorry to have to say this, but I guess honesty and reality are probably best.  If you have another avenue for a loan and you absolutely need the money, I’d suggest you don’t wait on Square this time.  The lending market is just too tight.


I wish you well.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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