
Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

Beta Member

Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

We need to be able to preauthorize credit cards when running a tab. Period.  We really enjoyed the low buy in and easy menu development and a couple of the other features, but a bar/restaurant needs to be able to run a tab and preauthorize a credit card.  I've gone back and looked at conversations about it and it appears that this has been a CONSTANT request by users that has gone ignored.

I'd like to know why it isn't available.

1 Verified Answer
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Re: Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

Pre-Authorization for Bar Tabs Update 
Hi everyone - I'm Hadley, from the F&B product team. First of all, thank you SO MUCH for continuing to share all the feedback here over the years, we know how important the Bar Tabs feature is. For anyone who is not aware, this feature is currently in beta in the US for both Square Point of Sale as well as Square for Restaurants POS. 


➡️ If you use Square POS, here are instructions on how to get started beta testing. 


➡️ If you use RST POS, you can join the beta community here and our beta team will enable feature to your account. You can find the support article for getting set up on RST POS here


As a reminder, when a feature is in beta, there is still some engineering work happening to iron out the smaller bugs and optimizing the experience for our sellers and their customers. If you choose to participate in the beta testing, please share any feedback (good or bad 😄) to our beta team at betafeedback@squareup.com so we can learn how it is working for you and your staff.  


Thank you!


I would point people on this thread over to a related one, How can I pre authorize a card? that has 7 pages of people asking for pre-auth over the past 2 years. Pre-auth is the mechanism by which cards would be authorized when the tab is opened, and then saved to be later closed out without needing the card back (as in our feature request here!).

Come on Square, people have been BEGGING for this for 2 years! There is a ton of customers who want this! This feature would save businesses a lot of money and headache! And before someone replies to me telling me "You can use the customer card on file system" please just don't. It is not the same, and it is not free.


Hey @jmack056, thanks for reaching out in this thread. I went to check for any updates on this, but I'm not able to access and share a timeline with more specifics. Sorry for the frustration - I realize this request have been ongoing for a long time. I'll be surfacing your post with our Payments Team. They will circle back as soon as any developments come to light.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: “Need to get a tips on full amount of sale option when deposit was made on previous date in cash”. The original author has been notified via email.


My business collects deposits in cash and online weeks before the sale. When the customer comes in for service there is no way to enter the deposit amount and the balance amount  together to get tipped on the full sale. Any word on if this is coming to Square soon?

Hello @BrandoPoz


This is an interesting feature request that we're already tracking! I went ahead and merged your thread with an existing one and made sure to track your comment. If you have any other questions please let me know! 

Please, we need this function!!!!

Add me to the list that needs a pre-authorization function. Since the demise of Spinlister my regular rentees want to keep coming back to rent my bikes. Until this function is available I'll have to use another platform. 

This functionality has been a request by many bars/restaurants for years. The only response anyone ever gets is "we understand how this would help, but this is not a priority". 


How long does a feature need to be requested before it becomes a priority? Thank you for your years of "empathetic feelings" but your actual apathy on this issue speaks volumes. Obviously, if Square doesn't really care that they are missing out on a huge industry because it won't/can't implement this feature, there's not really much your users can do besides change to a different POS. Which is what my business will be doing soon.


It's unfortunate, because I really like Square.

There are so many other POS systems out there, most of which have this critical feature! I really have liked square as well, but this is ridiculous. This isn't a "new" thing, Square. Come on.

Our business has boat rentals and we want to be able to take a damage deposit on credit cards from customers.


Is this possible using square?